Sanderson to head north for a State of Origin-style challenge

Still on a high after winning the Mildura Pacing Cup, Abby Sanderson is now preparing to represent Victoria in a harness racing challenge for concession drivers.

Abby Sanderson. Pic: Club Menangle Picture: HRV

The 18-year-old will join fellow Victorians George Chamouras, Tasmyn Potter, Harry O'Neill and Grace Bilney for two heats in Young tonight, with the following rounds to be staged at Shepparton on Wednesday.

The series is named in honour of Nic Dewar, who tragically lost his life in a car accident in 2018.

"The Shepparton club actually rang me and I was a bit shocked because I haven't had an opportunity to represent my state, which is pretty cool," Sanderson said. "Of course, I said 'yes'.

"I am super excited to represent Victoria and drive in a race series for Nic, who was a great young person and driver."

The now Murchison-based Sanderson has saluted on 68 occasions in her career so far, highlighted by the Group 2 VHRC Caduceus 3YO Classic with Catalpa Rescue.

"It's a bit surreal because I'm so young. I always look up to Kerryn (Manning) and Ellen (Tormey), I never really take a moment to stop and think what I have done is really good," she said. "You never stop learning which is good."

Sanderson will do a quick splash and dash in New South Wales before making it back to Victoria.

"The bus left Shepparton at 8am and I get back Saturday morning just in time for Melton on Saturday night," she said.

Sanderson will pilot the Brad Hewitt-prepared Take A Hike in heat one and the Scott Hewitt-trained Goodoldboysandbeer in the second heat.

Sanderson and the rest of the Victorian contingent will go up against a NSW team comprising of Olivia Frisby, Jett Turnbull, James Locke, Harrison Ross and Tahlia Johnson.

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