CHC China Dream Project Launches Jockeys Onto The International Stage

The CHC China Dream Project has burst into life.

Jockeys Chen Li and Qin Yong from mainland China will be participating Gold Cup race in Barbados. Picture: Racing and Sports

Two of Mainland China's premier jockeys set to take their place alongside star jockeys from the United States, Canada and the Caribbean as well as some of the sport’s most successful owners at Barbados's acclaimed Sandy Lane Gold Cup race meeting tomorrow.

The event, which is nationally significant and broadcast into North America, will be a launching pad for the international careers of jockeys Chen Li and Qin Yong, two young men from Hubei who are part of a new generation of Chinese with ambitions to succeed on the international stage. The former classmates have risen from modest beginnings to star in the sport on the domestic scene and have set their sights on higher aspirations. They have seen peers from western nations stride across the world stage and a similar fire burns within the quietly spoken duo.

“Jockeys in China want more opportunities and we are lucky to be the ones to have been given them,” said Qin Yong.

“When I was young I could never have imagined coming to somewhere like Barbados. I grew up in a small village in the mountains of Xian Feng and I only ever wanted to go passed the mountains. Now my goal is overseas and I am here. It is very exciting.”

A smile is the ever present companion for the 27 year old and masks a raging passion to excel. Driving him on is the knowledge that there is a growing peer group from Mainland China who is equally as ambitious.

“Chen Li and I are the lucky ones right now but we will not be the only ones. Young Chinese people want to do great things and they can,” he added.

"It is important to give young people these opportunities. It is also very important for those of us who are given these opportunities to bring our knowledge back to China."

Qin Yong and Chen Li are the first inductees onto the CHC China Dream Project, an initiative of the China Horse Club which is designed to provide international opportunities for talented young Chinese men and women in the sport of horse racing. The program was officially launched at the 2015 CECF in Wuhan in conjunction with the Barbados Turf Club and saw Louis Romanet, the President of the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities, present the two jockeys with certificates to be the first representatives of the program.

Both Qin Yong and Chen Li have adapted quickly to their new environment, enjoying experiencing a new culture as well as a warmth from the local community which is genuine and heart felt. Taxi drivers, shop assistants, and store managers stop to wish them well. Fruit sellers pose for photos with them and surfboard sellers stop them to ask what horses they are riding and promise to cheer them on. Tomorrow’s Sandy Lane Gold Cup meeting may be a national event but it is two young men from China who are stealing the interest of locals.

“People have been very kind and friendly to us,” said Chen Li.

“Everywhere people are saying hello and passing on good wishes. We are also getting a lot of support from home from our wives, from our families and from our friends. People are proud and we are proud to be here.

“I am a bit nervous but it is exciting and I’m looking forward to Saturday.”

Despite having never ridden in Barbados and the appearance of a series of leading international riders and internationally based local riders flying in for the Sandy Lane Gold Cup meeting, the Barbados racing industry has thrown its considerable support behind the duo with five rides at the nation’s flagship race meeting.

Barbados' leading trainer Victor Cheeseman and the private stables of Sir David Seale and Sir Charles Williams are among those have committed to supporting Chen Li and Qin Yong ensuring the Chinese hoops have their chance to stand astride the nations biggest racing stage.

"The support from the industry, the local community and the Barbados Turf Club led by Rosette Peirce has been overwhelming," said Eden Harrington, China Horse Club Vice President and Head (Partnerships/Membership).

"The CHC China Dream Project is ambitious in its goals and it has begun on a fantastic note and a lot of credit must be directed to the people of Barbados. We have been positive, we have backed this project and backed Chen Li and Qin Yong but what has strengthened our belief is the response we have been given every step of the way.

"This project is already a winner and the industry in China can look on with great pride at how these two young men are representing it. They are genuine ambassadors.

"The CHC China Dream Project is not about how many rides are secured or how many races won, it is not a statistical count. This project is a platform to promote Chinese excellence internationally and to build bridges between nations and it is achieving those goals."

A crowd of about 10,000 local and internationals is expected to attend the race meeting, filling every seat in the small course, in the temporary stands as well as hanging over the outside fencing to be a part of the carnival atmosphere.

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