Run For It

SOUTH AFRICA: Surprise Omissions From Durban July Field

There was elation and disappointment when the Vodacom Durban July final field and draw was announced at Greyville although the only real surprise was that champion trainer Mike de Kock will not have a runner.

SOUTH AFRICA: Cherry On The Top New July Favourite

Cherry On The Top has been promoted to favouritism for the Vodacom Durban July after the Triple Tiara winning three-year-old was supplemented to the premier G1 event.

SOUTH AFRICA: J & B Met WIde Open After Barrier Draw

The barrier draw for the R2.5 million J&B Met at Kenilworth on February 2 has thrown the G1 race wide open.

SOUTH AFRICA: Snaith Makes A Run At Queen's Plate

Trainer Justin Snaith has confirmed a start in the R1 million L’Ormarins Queen’s Plate at Kenilworth on January 12 for Run For It.

SOUTH AFRICA: Snaith Looking Forward To A Sizzling Summer

Trainer Justin Snaith feels he has everything is set up for a very competitive Cape Sizzling Summer Season with a number of contenders for the big prizes.