Vuitton the perfect Mother’s Day gift

Trainer Glenn Stevenson will send his promising stayer Lady Vuitton for a spell after she made it three wins in a row, all in Hobart, in the Happy Mother’s Day BM68 (2100m) in Hobart on Sunday.

Jockey : Anthony Darmanin
Jockey : Anthony Darmanin Picture: Michael Dodge/Getty Images

After dominant wins at her two previous outings where she scored by 6.5 and 4.5 lengths respectively, Lady Vuitton ($1.50 fav) had to dig deep to score in a photo finish after being given the run of the race by Anthony Darmanin.

"I said to Darma (jockey Anthony Darmanin) we're not over the line, she was going around with more weight and up in class.

"She was given 18 (rating) points for two wins for a horse, and I'm not being nasty, that beat very average horses in her past two starts, so to win again like that today is a great effort.

"It's a 14-hour day by the time you get them home and it's hard for a horse to travel like that three times in a row," the Wesley Vale-based trainer said.

Lady Vuitton took 16 starts to break her maiden but now she has learned how to win Glenn Stevenson thinks she may be competitive in better races next season.

"She'll have a good break now, she'll develop there's still a bit more to come from her and hopefully she can pick up a couple of races later on, (hopefully) those second type staying races like a Brighton Cup."

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