2018 Northam Stakes: Race History

The first running of the 2018 Northam Stakes at Northam on Sunday at G3 level shows it has been won by some very good sprinters.

Magnifisio would win a major after taking this race. Could we see another in the 2018 Northam Stakes (1100m) at Northam on Sunday?


The Northam Stakes is a G3 race run under Set Weights and Penalty conditions for the sprinters at Northam conducted by the Northam Race Club.

The Northam Stakes is run over 1100m. It was first run in 2012 and was won by Barakey.

The race has only existed since 2012 but has been won by top WA sprinters.

The Northam Stakes was a Listed race to 2018 when it became a Group 3.

It is the lead up race to the Roma Cup at Belmont.

Barakey and Magnifisio both have won the G1 Winterbottom as well as this race.

The Northam Stakes is worth $150,000 in 2018.

Notable winners of the Northam Stakes include First Among Equals (2017), Magnifisio (2014/2016), Dawn Approach (2015), Beach Express (2013) and Barakey (2012).

The 2017 Northam Stakes was won by First Among Equals from Madassa and Battle Hero.

Racing and Sports