Siggy Carr

He surely is tough

A change of plans in the first few hundred metres helped the well-backed Surely Special ($7.50 – $3.50) land his second career win in the (1620m) maiden/class 1.

Charlie and Bev meet their match

The clash between Charlie Bucket and Lovin’ Bev in Launceston on Wednesday night looks like a case of the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object.

Record for Carr

Trainer/jockey Siggy Carr left her Brighton stable confident her team would race well in Launceston on Friday night, and that’s exactly what happened, with success coming in spades.

Olive a girl going places

Olive Girl got punters off on the right note in Hobart on Friday afternoon when she took out the Alexandra Plate (1000m) for 2YOs.

Tough act to follow

Thespian Waters showed he could be a force to be reckoned with in some of the feature 3YO races over the summer with a brilliant first-up win over 1100m in Hobart on Tuesday.