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Apollo's Legacy


Apollo's Legacy is a thoroughbred horse born in New Zealand in 1985. Race horse Apollo's Legacy is by Gay Apollo (GB) out of Sans Egal (NZ). Apollo's Legacy form is available here. Owned by .


Sire Gay Apollo (GB) 1979
Dam Sans Egal (NZ)

About the horse

Description 38yo BR Mare
Total PM AUD $0
Career No Wins (0%) - No Places (0%) - 2 starts
Name HOOF'N IT (1998)
WPS 6-6-41
Wet WPS 1-0-9
Distances 1150m - 3200m
Win Distances 1400m - 2000m
Total Prize (AUD $) $59,351
Group WPS Wet WPS Distances Win Distances Total Prize (AUD)
G1 0w-0p-1s - 1150m - 3200m 1400m - 2000m $0
G2 0w-0p-2s 0w-0p-1s 2000m - 2400m - $2,271
G3 0w-0p-1s - 1600m - $1,514
LR 0w-1p-1s - 2200m - $3,406
Non Black Type 6w-5p-36s 1w-0p-8s 1150m - 3136m 1400m - 2000m $52,160