AFL Finals

There's a lot of great tipsters here. Everyone tipping the dogs to lose every week of the finals.



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It was an amazing season and finals season. Bulldogs had to buck the odds every week so I'm hardly surprised they never started favourite. Well done to them, and their long-suffering supporters

We should not mention the Western Bulldogs around tufnel. Oh hang on, yes we should. He hates them.

They made a poor performing tufnel look even worse and proved that his tipping is very ordinary.

I have been asked to tone down my criticism and jibes on this forum by way of my posts being modified by the mods.

But I think I can say this. A warning to tufnel for the coming weeks or even next AFL season. Venturing out over the spring you are likely to run into celebrating Bulldogs players and even fans. The sight of this could upset you greatly.

The Western Bulldogs single handedly destroyed your already plummeting reputation on here. Be strong, maybe get help and see it through because there could be repeats next year.

Well done for raising this topic.

Tufnel got the Western Bulldogs wrong 4 times. In one game he tipped them to be beaten in the 25-36 pts range and in the other 3 games to be beaten by 37+. He was not just wrong he was way, way off the mark.

You would never see a case of worse tipping. If I were the Bulldogs, I would get someone out there to find tufnel and ask him if he understands how good they are now. Leave the mud on his face.

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