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It's black and white: Collingwood by a street. Sad but reality.
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Daniher to stay at Essendon. Amused by Brendan Goddard intervention, suggesting Daniher would be disloyal if he left. 

Hats off to both teams, a great game of footy.

Eagles had to fight very hard for it and just had their nose in front at the right time - had the game gone on for another 5 minutes that may not have been the case.

how grand finals should be.

That is the way Tufnel operates.

Has no courage.

You would have tipped Collingwood, Tufnel, so getting on here and doing what you did shows how little you can be relied on to decentre. Have another drink.

No, I would not have tipped Collingwood.

I can’t stand them.

I am no fan of West Coast either.

Therefore I tipped no team.

My attention was focussed on the exploits of Santa Ana Lane and Hartnell.

I had plenty to celebrate.

Nige ;-)

P.S. ........and Australia’s greatest ever post race tipster says I have no courage! Hilarious!!!!!!!

Yep. Nothing’s changed.

Nige ;-)

Have a crack, Tufnel, instead of shooting from the trees.

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