Free daily stats

Can anybody help with a quick explanation? I'm having difficulty interpreting the information in the stats chart,for instance what is No. Fav./Day referring to? Surely if there are 8 races there would be 8 favourites?
Also what is Win.Sq. and M2M??

Bob Weaver
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I think it might be a good idea for Robert and the team to provide us with a complete guide to this site, in downloadable pdf format (so I can read it on the train:) ).

This really is a compliment because the site is so rich in features and as great as they are probably none of us is aware of everything there is or understands every option.

I know it would be an extra work for the team but if we could have it in a few months that would be fantastic.

Long live r&s !


(To make sense of this post you will need to have the Daily Stats for Cranbourne today open.)

I think the Fav/Day figure indicates the number of favorites that won on an individual day.

So, looking at Cranbourne today the number of instances where only one favorite won all day was 16. That represents 15% of all meetings in the survey period. There were no occassions when only one favorite won all day.

Win.Sq is likely to refer to the number of occassions when favorites have won that number of races in sequence on the same card. So at Cranbourne today the stats suggest there have been 46 occassions when two favorites have won consecutive races, and 8 occassions when favorites have won 3 consectutive races.

M2M is likely to refer to winning sequences of favorites which have carried on 'meeting to meeting'.

So looking down the table there have been 3 occassions when six favorites have won on a day at Cranbourne. That is 3% of all meetings in the survey period.

There have been 25 occassions when 6 favorites were placed at a meeting. That is 24% of all meetings.

The number of times 6 favorites have won in succession has been 1. And one one occassion the winning sequence of favorites carried over from one meeting to the next.

That's my best guess.

Hope I am right, and I hope this helps.

Tontonan is spot on.


Thanks, that helps,

I was looking for stats that tell me the % favourites that win at each track. At the bottom of the chart are these figures:

Average Favourites per Day 9.3
Average Wins/Places per Day 2.8 8.5
I assume this is telling me that for every 9.3 favourites 2.8 win.

Bob Weaver

You've got it Bob.

Now if you click on Free Daily Stats,

and then the arrow alongside 'Cranbourne' on the index table, then 'Course Favorites' from the left hand menu sidebar under 'Racing Information'

it will take you to a table that breaks down the favorite performance on a meeting by meeting basis, including the state of the track.

I knew I would mess that up....

I said -

"So, looking at Cranbourne today the number of instances where only one favorite won all day was 16. That represents 15% of all meetings in the survey period. There were no occassions when only one favorite won all day."

That should read -

"So, looking at Cranbourne today the number of instances where only one favorite won all day was 16. That represents 15% of all meetings in the survey period. There were no occassions when only one favorite placed all day."

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