BC & tonight's neurals

worker collective farmer
Granted, no one would rate the neurals as perfectly accurate. But how on Earth is BC rated as 3.30 tonight with Zedi Knight the 2.10 top pick?!!!

It seems mainly because BC has been allotted only 1 point for Current Form and for Time (ZK has 112 and 70). But something is really amiss to have almost the closest thing to a certainty rated so dismissively. R & S, what happened?
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The Neutrals are based on Multi-factor Analysis - i.e. all columns as much as possible do not information contained in the other columns.

Current form is just that - current form. BC is coming of a 12 week break - i.e. no current form. Same for all runners resuming.

You can make adjustments to the Neutrals to cater for these events.

In this case the NA do not truly represent the quality of runner that BC is. However, across a very large sample they do give a reasonable assessment to the horses that have a chance in the race.

This stuff is what happens in all bureaucratic tangles.

What's important is the 4.25 length pounding she administered.

Like her Newmarket run she breaks a record if she is ridden out, this time Miss Andretti's. 1.9.44 for The Valley is outstanding and she did it on her ear.

She's the greatest I've ever seen.

She'll get a mile the way she goes to sleep. How privileged we are to live through this.

I go off my head every time she runs.

Yes, an incredible animal LC. Get ready to go off your head again in The Orr.

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