Another Group 1 sprint to an overseas raider

Ah you can't help but laugh at the quality of Aussie sprinters racing in Aussie. Here we are another Group 1 sprint and yet another result for an overseas raider. This time the kiwi The Bostonian.

And the Group 3 F&M race at Scone goes to an American horse, blowing away the Aussie plodders at its first attempt on Aussie soil, too easy.

As I keep saying, just bring those overseas horses to Aussie and wins are just there for the taking.
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Nearly as good a thing as the ex Australian horse who destroyed them in the feature in Hong Kong today, K Dill.

It's a changing world K Dill. You need to get out of your mum's basement for a bit, champ.

Rex, I know I have some vision, but not enough to tell you the mare who had been racing in America destroyed the opposition before it actually did.

I know it is a changing world. We all should know by now that the overall quality of fields in Aussie have never been weaker. The best are beating weaker and reduced opposition.


22 K Dill, 22. Thats a very high number.

Im sure being the resident expert on 'all things', youll know exactly what Im talking about.


You could have come on here before the race to let me know Con Te Partiro was going around at Scone, K Dill.

She won the Sandringham at Royal Ascot and had Rain Goddess back in 2nd. The same Rain Godess who was twice second at Group 1 level including behind Enable in Ireland. She was also 4th in a the G1 DM Oaks.

Ok, granted it's not 'world best' form but thats bloody good form for a G3 fillies race at the Provincials.

Next time you spot one with that sort of backend form, can you let us know before the event K Dill, instead of speaking drivel after the event?

Could have easily made a tidy quid out of that.

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