Easy, Easy, Easy Money

Wayne Hawkes must have thought all his Christmas' came at once during the week.

I heard him being interviewed on SEN1116 in regards to who would ride Real Saga.

When Kevin Bartlett alerted him to the fact that they were actually punting on the result on Sportsbet, Wayne asked, what are the prices?

Kevin said
Rodd - $2.00
Oliver $2.60

Next day - Oliver $2.60 into $1.60.

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I was certain this was going to be a thread authored by our resident liar on the wisdom of Sunday betting on Saturday races.


lol No Nige, Khaptingly wouldn't take 1-60 about Damien oliver riding it even when printed in the racebook, for years he's been telling us that gee

These sorts of bets are just gimmicks. They would have taken a couple of thousand in bets and then wound the price right in

I can't believe they were stupid enough to frame a market on a personal decision and something that was not a contest.

I hope the stable took them for heaps too.

lol That's absurd!

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