Saturday 13-11-10

Eliminations - 2


Each player must make 3 selections in all of the races from the nominated venue.
Your first posting is final, NO SUBSTITUTES allowed.
If you happen to have a scratching you will automatically receive the highest available saddlecloth.
All postings must be made before the 1st race of the day.

If your 3 selections were to finish 1st 4th & 12th you would score 17 pts for that race.
1st - 1pt
4th - 4pts
12th - 12pts
Total - 17pts
The lower the score the better.

If you happen to pick the trifecta in any race the following week you will be allowed 4 selections in all races and score on the best 3 placed horses in each race.

Each week a number of players (eg 4 or 5 depending on how many players there are in the comp) with the highest scores for all races will be eliminated from the comp.

When the comp gets down to the final 10 players only 2 will be eliminated each week until we have a winner

Cheers Uhly

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mr1 2,3,4,11
mr2 1,3,8,9
mr3 1,2,3,4
mr4 3,5,6,9
mr5 3,6,9,10
mr6 2,5,13,7
mr7 1,4,6,11
mr8 3,4,6,8

R1 - 3,4,5,8
R2 - 2,3,4,9
R3 - 1,2,3,4
R4 - 3,5,6,8
R5 - 1,3,5,10
R6 - 2,4,7,9
R7 - 2,4,6,11
R8 - 3,4,6,8

R1 - 2,3,4,11
R2 - 1,3,9,12
R3 - 1,2,3,4
R4 - 3,5,8,9
R5 - 2,3,6,10
R6 - 6,7,9,11
R7 - 1,2,4,5
R8 - 4,5,6,8

R1 - 1,2,11
R2 - 1,2,9
R3 - 1,2,5
R4 - 3,7,9
R5 - 3,6,11
R6 - 1,7,11
R7 - 1,2,5
R8 - 2,4,8

Cheers Uhly

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