inter dom heats night 1 preview

opening night of the new format to the inter dominion

heat 1 8:00pm

1st report for duty the looks the winner in this after his good runs in the ballarat and hunter cups

2nd conte de cristo should lead or sit second behind report for duty

3rd and 4th smooth crusa after his return to form by winning the terang cup and good lookin girl the best mare in australia.

heat 2 8:30pm

1st this see's the shortest price fav out of the heats in be good johhny will win and win easy

2nd reba rajah the former kilmore cup winner will be fitter after 2 runs back from a spell

3rd and 4th decorater jasper the up and comer in ther victoria ranks and bold cruiser

heat 3 9:00pm

this heat would be the worst heat of the night

1st atomic ark been going ok he all so beat flashing red in last years redcliffe cup

2nd sequoiahs spirit will running on for second

3rd penny veejay just like sequoiahs spirit will be running on but there not very geuine horses to be standing out.

4th baltic ice another good up and comer in the victorian ranks

4th heat 9:30pm

a match race this one

1st karlsruhe the very unlucky runner in the hunter cup

2nd divisive the beaten hunter cup favourite for just proved he was 12 months away

3rd cincinnati kid if there is a cracking speed this horse is the knock out horse

4th larado will have to fire around them early to try and find the lead or get the death because they are the only 2 spots this horse races truly in
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Thanks for your selections Boof! With your top 3 picks you were successful with 9 of the 12 available placings. Much appreciated!

Report for Duty did race wide last lap but they ran very slow time.
Be Good Johnny went horrible. Has probably the worst record at a distance greater than 2100m for a good horse.
Divisive was very disappointing. Was hammered early to reach the lead but the other horse that 'gassed' him early won the race.
Karlsruhe was a tragedy beaten again. This time Aiken made a bad decision in the last lap to not get out of a pocket when he had ample time.
Blacks a Fake looked in trouble for a split second in the back straight in his 'trial' race but just kept coming. What a super horse.
The semis on next week hopefully will give us a feeling it's actually Interdominion time!

run of the night
report for duty this horse's run was huge not noted as a tough horse won by sitting 3 wide the last lap

flop of the night
be good johhny was very disapointing even know it sat in the death it still should of ran in the top 4

unlucky runner kalsruhle back this horse next start should of just won in its semi will just win if not in the same semi as blacks a jake

I didn't see the races tonight but I was on Karlsruhe e/w in the Hunter Cup at $41 thought I had the winner as the turned for home he just never got a clear run I am going to have a little bit on him to win the Inter Dom I really feel he is a quality horse, He will have to be to beat blakey shame Flashing Red isn't there this year one of the toughest horses I have seen.

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