With 6 races at Canterbury last Friday and the generally small fields of unknowns served up meeting after meeting, IS Racing NSW near death. was the promised Stablehands bonus paid after the Court victory ? Retrospective.
Looks BAD.
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ask these guys-

apparently Steven is unfamiliar with sarcasm..

We are talking patronage,confidence and financial viability etc. Monopoly and Mr V'Landy being able to deliver his promises.
In play sports betting will be his next killer blow.

NSW racing is certainly in decline for a lot of reasons. The monopoly of the top three trainers is one reason.
However, it doesn't stink as much as the Victorian counterpart. Some of the decisions made in the last two weeks are disgraceful.
Until they get the "Honesty" thing right, racing may be doomed.

Given the results of the NSW horses in Melbourne, I'd say NSW racing is on its last legs.

johnwesley,not sure what results fiveandahalfstar won derby, dear demi won oaks, mental and nechita and sea siren also group ones.
you cant be serious

Still not as bad as racing fields in the UK...

Nothing too much wrong here really except that Sydney is/has become too costly for trainers logistically & stable/feedwise...unless you are already stinking rich, or being backed by big money, making your way through the ranks in Sydney as a trainer is impossible and not encouraged, and would just cost way too much, horse's cost a fortune to be floated in from the outer towns like Gosford, Hawkesbury etc, trainers would rather race at their home tracks and save the float expense, the field sizes at these provincial meets is very good generally, trainers are sick of floating horse's to kenso,canterbury etc only to lose to Waterhouse, Snowden and Waller, they'd rather stay at home and race for a bit less but not have to compete against multiple runners from the big yards..

They seem to be big on spending the 160m on everything other than horses, owners, and industry workers.

Maybe RacingCorp Pty Ltd, a murky offshoot of RacingNSW, should be looked at as close as jockey's mobiles and trainers gear bags.

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