lucky numbers 13/10/07

the lucky numbers today are 1+4+9 and i do believe we can win today and number 9 is the one with the best chance of winning, the astrology bet is in race 3 number 9 ***GOLD CHANT*** and should figure in the placings.
the double at caulfield is 1-4-9-12 - 9-1-2-5 the first leg is difficult if you believe that weekend hussler is vulnerable and i have deliberately rated it that way (so does tim habel in the herald sun -but in reverse order) if any scratchings include emjay hussey in the combo.

cheltenham double selections are 5-6-3-1 - 8-9-1-4 and is also a good chance of returning a dividend with the second leg combo an excellent chance for the trifecta.

the best bet today is in caulfield race 9 ***JUSTE MOMENTE***
the charity bet today is in the guineas race 7 ***HUSSON LIGHTNING*** $20 EACH WAY - in an effort to get the charity balance increased, which at present is $172 and it will be paid out on cup day.
all the best from

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