Hello forumites,
Let’s try and pick this years winner.

Johannes Vermeer- fantastic run in the Caulfield Cup, extra distance a bonus, right up his alley.
Great jockey & barrier. If he gets a clear run, he will win.
Good luck,
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As I'm a WA boy, I hope Boom Time can run well for WA, I will be cheering him on, I am just not sure if he can run the 3200m.

My friend made a comment to me a day before the Caulfield Cup and he said: "Mate I believe Boom Time is a 2-length better horse then WA stayer Rogan Josh"

I said: "I'm not sure, but time will tell"

My mate had $100 each way on Boom Time for the Caulfield Cup. Maybe I underestimated the horse because my friend certainly did not. He has $100 each way on Boom Time in the Melbourne Cup.

I like Red Cardinal, but the outside barrier makes it tough

Almandin to go back to back for mine.
Been absolutey flying running cracking races carrying big weights.Forget last start(Efficient,Green Moon)
Well in with 56.5kg loves Flemington.Jockey the only negative??
Marmello,Wall of Fire,Amelie's Star I'll throw in.
Best roughie Ventura Storm.
Good luck peeps!!

Max Dynamite - Probably should have won it 2015 and Willie Mullins has just protected him this year so he wouldn't get penalized. I went and had a look at his lead up run and it was against inferior opposition, but he did it easy. Also been training the house down at Werribee.


Rekindling - 3YO whose last few runs have been against the best in Europe and I think been set for this race all along.


Nicely done. . deserves 2 red stars

And bottle of French champers ...
1st & 3rd in the hardest race on the planet.

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