
Can anyone explain to me how the n.z.totes
work.eg,I see the results in the paper and it says no.2 paid 2-2.What does that mean?
Hope someone can help.
Cheers Trevalma
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Thank you all for responding to my
request.I now know what it means.

Sometimes you can get 1-3 or 7-10 or 4-2 just for examples.
It depends on how much money is invested on the win or the place.

It sounds like the horse was 2-2 in the betting, ie 2nd favourite at both win and place odds.

I believe that 2-2 means 2nd most favoured in the win pool - 2nd most favoured in the place pool.

As Todman says it is only pointing out what win/place favouritism the horse was. If you use a formguide for NZ racing it will usually only have that info too, in place of the starting price on Aussie formguides. The NZ Tab's own pdf form on their website does have actual starting tote odds for previous runs. The "expanded" form under their "racing information" page on the NZ Tab website is the one you want to use for a big meeting as it gives form and comments for the previous 15 runs plus other useful information.

The only fixed odds in NZ are the what the Tab runs on Rating 76 races and above, or on the entire card at a feature meeting like Riccarton tomorrow.

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