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Author: CompetitionJack Send message to this user

Timestamp:- 3/4/2007 7:01:07 PM
Subject: Re: Sires Sneak Preview

Camerilla is the lay of the century.

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I love it. Couldnt have happened to a better person.
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Yes that was before the heavy track you dead set stumper of the century.

"stumper of the century"

Spoken like a true member of the Century Club, Mu ... errr ... umm ... CJ.

Well that makes sense! Why did you lay it then??? ROFL...


Why did you have to respond with a peice of rubbish like that?

Camarilla was an even better thing on a dry track. She was an unknown quantity in the going.

Quote's in todays Sun Herald:

Beadman: She was struggling in the going.
Snowden: She didnt appear to be handling the track all that well.

Well done to Hawkes for targeting the Sires. Will be hard to beat in the Champagne next week too if she pulls up ok...

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