race 5 8:40pm chariots of fire

1st ebony gem a good eachway bet after good win last friday night at harold park

2nd lombo pocket watch

3rd and 4th keayang hanover and melpark major

race 2 number 1 village warrior
race 3 number 1 jarendan
race 4 number 4 cincinnati kid

moonee valley

race 1 number 10 the windsurfer
race 3 number 7 trunk music
race 5 number 3 dazed and confused
race 7 number 1 hirli birli lombo

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harold park
chariots of fire
good win by ebony gem payed $7.3
1/8/7 tri payed $45

race 2 village warrior $1.9 winner
race 3 jarendan $1.9 winner
race 4 cincinnati kid 2nd

moonee valley

race 1 the windsurfer/ no return
race 3 trunk music/ no return
race 5 dazed and confused $2.7 winner
race 7 hiri birli lombo/ no return

Well done Boofhead, esp in the main event.

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