Kumar Sangakkara

Happy New Year all.

Whilst watching this guy peel off yet another fantastic 200 yesterday, I got to wondering why he never seems to be mentioned with the same degree of reverence as the other great batsman of the current era, ie Tendulkar, Lara, Kallis, Ponting. Surely his record speaks for itself and he thoroughly deserves his position amongst the greats - he now averages 59 in test cricket and is second to Bradman for test double tons, with 11 of his 38 centuries converted to at least 200.
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great call MD and happy new year to you..

It could be a case of out of sight, out of mind a little - but he definitely deserves far more respect and entitled to feature among the top echelon of Test cricketers. The numbers certainly stack up... a few more of interest: he averages over 60 in Australia; has scored 200s against 5 nations (almost 6!) and has done the bulk of his batting in the #3. I have written a piece about the coveted #3, when you consider our dire situation and pathetic reliance on a myth in this role, you can only marvel at Kumar's 200+ innings at a tick under 62!


Cheers Bods, those additional stats bolsters his case for greatness. For Kumar, these stats should certainly dismiss those who typically say that players with such high averages from the sub-continent only have such due to batting on flat pitches.

But who or what is this "myth" you refer to re the esteemed #3 spot?

well he finished 9th on the Australian Test batting averages list for 2014 (7th in 2013), 14th on the Australian ODI list, and has scored 4 centuries in 100 odd innings... it wasn't good enough for a champion like Ponting to dip below 40 but it's somehow good enough for the myth to fail to avg 40 in 6 of his 8 calendar years playing Test cricket.. think you can guess by now


LOL - very clear now Bods'!
And totally agree btw.

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