My Eyes!

The Tutor
First of all...I love this site and the content it provides. I have been using it for well over 10 years and reckon I am well in front!

I just tried to read the story about the Productivity Council's report into the sport and it took me about five minutes to read the first four pars.

No jokes please about a reading disability, I can read perfectly well.

Now I know nothing is for free and this site has to make a quid, but I counted six boxes across the top and to the right of the screen that were all flashing or had text scrolling.

Any internet marketer will tell you this is how to get people's attention to your ad, but it can be very distracting at times, especially when trying to concentrate on an intricate news story.

I agree it great to get the ad revenue, but do they have to constantly "flash" when trying to read a news story?

Good punting and good reading everyone!
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Only complaint...

When the site is down on Friday's..

Stat's for Saturday

This site is better than most of the others I have been on..

Allowing some of the Banter to carry on and not OVER.. censuring is good

Hi Robert,
I have worked in the media/publishing all my life so know the value of ads and I guess it is probably why I do take notice of them.

I counted six flashing boxes, there was Sporting Bet, the R&S scroll on the left, the R&S ticker tape under sporting bet, Betfair, something for Racing America and another one - the name escapes me but it was red and had some guy with a hat floating through the air and it lands on his head (Luxbet?).

I have to say I have clicked on them a few times, but have not taken any of their services and I certainly would not be helping you raise revenue there.

Anyway, I might have been a bit harsh, but I was trying to get my head around a story that had some depth to it.

Maybe - being a bit older - I am not accustomed to internet "catch" techniques.

I must say though, other sites I read such as the Fairfax and News sites do have the ads, but not as many (maybe advertisers rate your product a bit more highly!).

Anyway, I was not "having a go" just making an observation because as I said, I am well in front with this site and hope it continues for ad finitum!

Thanks for your input.

I do think however you are being a bit harsh on us. There are however only 4 ads on the page.

1. Run of site in the top right hand corner.

2. Top of news story

3. Two large ads on the right hand side of the news. (One of these is for R&S - other currently for luxbet).

I think our site is very similar to other sites like etc

Bottom line is if people clicked on more ads - we could reduce the real estate we dedicate to ads. The ads allow the site to run for free.

Can I ask how often you click on the ads?


Every day , we now Know Robert....
Make that a punishment ....50 clicks on an add or your banned when overstepping the mark.

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