Nanna And Weight - Play Here Please

The Tutor
A few others on the forum and I are getting a little tired with your personal spat, so please confine it to this thread if you wouldbe so kind.

There's a good couple of chaps.

There have been some great strings totally destroyed recently, so I reckon if you guys share it all here it would make it a lot easier.

I will come back for a look from time to time as some of it is quite funny.

I don't knock your right to contribute, just when it gets personal, keep it to your own very private thread here.

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Perhaps Tutor could limit his complaints about Khrapper to here. But then he'd only make 1 other post a year ROFL

Most of my posts are about racing unlike yourself Tutor. Not sure what you tutor but it isn't racing.

can we confine Khrapper and all high to here too?

Oh I forgot Count 'LOL LOL that Herman nickname is so funny LOL LOL even if my shrink cant make sense of why I use it' Chivas. Its great having him blocked.


There's an easier solution to that wcf, ust block them - I haven't read one of his (their) posts for ages and enjoy the forum so much more now.

Herman won't block Krapper, Krapper is Herman's reason for living.

lol wcf

Don't leave b.j. out. He gets lonely.


very hurtful.

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