T20: Is the party over?

Just wondering whether others feel like I do that the T20 'fad' is showing signs of being on the way out?

I went to the game at Adelaide Oval and it's absolute rubbish. Admittedly it wasn't much of a contest which didn't help, but there was doof doof after EVERY ball, dancers and even some snoozer on a BMX!

I would can it altogether but, failing that, restrict it to club/state leagues like the IPL, BBL, etc. The only international matches should be a World Cup every 2 or 3 years.
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I can honestly say I've never sat through a whole 20/20 game. And that's not ever going to change, it's rubbish, always has been.

All WIN needs to do now is punt it to GEM so we can watch the NINE and WIN local news instead.

It attracts non cricket people but all LT fans prefer tests. 20/20 is like a Seagal movie. Mildly entertaining but totally forgettable and you dont care who wins.


"20/20 is like a Seagal movie. Mildly entertaining but totally forgettable and you dont care who wins."

Lol, nice analogy

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