
We received the papers back from the registry office for our filly's new name.
I want to thank everyone who helped with naming her months ago, on this website. The filly is by Bletchley Park/Universal Secret.
We tried names like Enigma (found out it was he Sire's dam's name), Codebreaker and names with a similar themes but they had all been taken.
He name Tajoyaca (it was last on the list)derives from.
TAra (my wife)
JOanna (Trainer's wife)
YAsmin (my daughter)
CAndice Trainer's daughter)
The trainer said it was a mouthful, but I said "only for Darren MacAulley". We will call her "COCO'.
Thanks again.
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Good luck with it kerrin. I actually like the name. The last horse I heard which had the first two initials of people's names was a horse called Makybe Diva (you may have heard of her lol).

Keep us updated on her progress mate.

I knew that if you didn't act quickly, you'd miss out on 'Dulcie Bertwhistle'.
Looks like it was also taken, too bad.

I didn't put in Dulcie Bertwhistle in. My wife wouldn't talk to me If i did.
She also didn't like "My Face". LOL

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