Laying Comp 3 - Week 1 results

29 Competitors have lined up to do battle. Sadly one competitor has fallen at the first hurlde.

mitch_006 has shot to an early lead after landing an odds on lay. Lang was layed at 1.80 giving mitch_006 55.56 points. There is a large group of chasers in the next group after Due Sasso was a popular lay.

Next week two lays will be required, and Perth races will be included in the list of venues.



After week 1-

55.56 mitch_006
37.04 shoutme1
35.71 Bluboy
35.71 trevelma
35.71 trackside
35.71 Ron Rat
35.71 suhlmann
26.32 vintage 35
25.00 Sinatra
25.00 The Mighty Quinn
25.00 Todman
22.73 fatjack
22.73 squid69
20.41 freeze33
19.23 Budda
16.67 goodpunteroutaluck
16.67 benny_g
16.67 lance barnard
16.39 Torpedo Punt
13.70 Dagz
13.70 Mr Lister
12.99 hareeba
11.76 Northbouy
11.11 Boxcar
9.35 jet
8.33 turleytime
3.11 laminate
2.21 della
-55.56 MediaCentral

eliminated week 1 MediaCentral
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Cheers North, it was fun while it lasted.

Sorry, I missed one off. Sableroan inboxed me because he/she was having trouble with posting.

After week 1-

55.56 mitch_006
37.04 shoutme1
35.71 Bluboy
35.71 trevelma
35.71 trackside
35.71 Ron Rat
35.71 suhlmann
26.32 vintage 35
25.00 Sinatra
25.00 The Mighty Quinn
25.00 Todman
22.73 fatjack
22.73 squid69
21.28 Sableroan
20.41 freeze33
19.23 Budda
16.67 goodpunteroutaluck
16.67 benny_g
16.67 lance barnard
16.39 Torpedo Punt
13.70 Dagz
13.70 Mr Lister
12.99 hareeba
11.76 Northbouy
11.11 Boxcar
9.35 jet
8.33 turleytime
3.11 laminate
2.21 della
-55.56 MediaCentral

eliminated week 1 MediaCentral

I am a "He"

Cheers Mate..


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