Laying Comp 3 - Week 2 results

After week 2 we have a bunch of players all challenging for the lead. And then the rest are pretty evenly spaced out behing.

The best lays of the round were Rosecutter and Blutigeroo both beaten at the $1.60 quote.

Next week three lays will be required.



After week 2-

143.66 suhlmann
143.66 trackside
132.69 trevelma
130.98 Todman
106.22 Bluboy
92.41 mitch_006
88.09 Sinatra
85.44 Budda
84.15 The Mighty Quinn
75.86 Northbouy
71.29 lance barnard
66.68 Torpedo Punt
61.55 Ron Rat
53.10 benny_g
47.13 goodpunteroutaluck
44.23 Boxcar
34.47 jet
33.44 fatjack
16.49 turleytime
12.19 squid69
12.01 vintage 35
8.65 della
7.76 freeze33
4.12 laminate
2.30 Mr Lister

eliminated week 2 Sableroan
eliminated week 2 shoutme1
eliminated week 2 Dagz
eliminated week 2 hareeba
eliminated week 1 MediaCentral
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great comp north, but i was too busy to post my lays...

gotta cop it on the chin...waiting for the next comp.


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