


I think a very promising horse.
Big BJ has a history of bringing good horses to the Melbourne carnival for some good results. ie; St Jude, Chortle, Planet Ruler, With Me, Verocative etc.
I vividly and fondly remember With Me winning the Moir Stakes on Cox Plate Day 2 years in a row. I also remember her throwing a foal to the horse she quinellad the Golden Slipper with (Canny Lad) called Accomplice who was a good galloper in his own right. B York used to ride a few winners for big Bruce as well. Any way, I think he may be back for some more fun, Time will tell.

Don't Feed The Troll


Come on people, I can't believe some of you are responding to all of the posts Silent Witness has been putting up of late. This troll is obviously baiting you all for responses and some of you have actually thought he was being serious. He may well be a disgruntled former forum member or just a plain and simple pest. Don't feed him. Ignore him.

Aussie Cricket team


Go the Aussies. Well done to Brett Lee as he probably got Kaspas spot and had to perform well. And well done to Symonds. 91 off 101 balls was a good return for the one day player of the year.

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