
Irish Derby


Irish Derby - which is part of the UK, as is the all of Europe, according to Patsy, at least in terms of measuting sticks.

6 horses, half trained by the one yard. So much depth.

And the scrubbers who finish 25 lengths behind will feature in Patsy's renowned 'so much depth' list.

Peanuts for peanuts.

Best Regards


Saturday All-Up


Greetings fellow forumites.

In an attempt to provide the forum with some useful points of view to absorb, I thought I would ask the collective to provide their preferred all-up for the weekend. Win/Place, 2/3//5/7 legs, it matters not. There are perhaps some common themes we can benefit from.

I am yet to do my form, but my first thoughts (at guess prices - I've yet to check these out in detail) are as follows:

All Too Hard(w) x Secret Admirer(w) x Streama(w)

Nothing flash, but hoping for around $15.


Will the turtlehead be true to form, and raise his head when he wants to create a stink? Or, will he stay retreated?

Tipping contest. Pinkline's usual rules of course. We have to give the bumbling oaf something of a chance.



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