man u fan

Bouncing back

Man U Fan

You can't keep a good man down. Recovered from my Melbourne Cup error. Remembering that I laid 11 horses to a total of 25% it was equivalent to a $4 laying loss when staked correctly.

JAPAN CUP (and the exchange is operating on this race)
We are laying Trip to Paris. Basically a 3200 - 4000 metre horse and despite his good run in the Caulfield Cup he won't have the turn of foot to go with this lot.
Going to follow that with the lay of the crazy horse GOLD SHIP. I suppose on his day he could bring me undone but he does a lot wrong in some races and his last run was pretty poor.

At the time of writing the lay percentage is 21.3% or equivalent to laying at $4.68

Cup Lays

Man U Fan

I might be far away but I couldn't let the Cup pass without repeating my phenomenal TEN successful lays in last years Cup.

We will kick it off with one of the favourites. His form is good but he won't run a solid 3200m under 57.5kg

CRITERION will not be winning this Melbourne Cup.

Nine more to follow.
Asian champions league soccer
Asian Cup
Cricket World Cup
The Ashes

Things are pretty good!
If you want to see a big field go round head up to Brizzy on Saturday and see a field of 1MW horses go round over 1200m.

Or go and watch the West Coast Eagles play one Friday night at the WACA (what did you say - there will only be one bloke with a 10 tonne Tessie in tow?) sorry I'd go to Subiaco, but I digress

Now the Newmarket tomorrow is a great elite field.
Lankan Rupee - 5 time G1 winner
Terravista - equal with him as top rated sprinter in the World
Chuatauqua - straight track speacialist and future G1 winner.
Brazen Beau - Royal Ascot bound G1 sprinter
Dreifontain - G1 winner

and two other G1 placegetters. What a race.
As promised a world cup plan for a profit for my followers.

Simply LAY Afghanistan in their first match against an ICC test playing nation. Set a target profit, say $100. If they win that increase the bet on the next match to recoup losses plus the target profit.

Unlike others on the forum, I assure I will see the course on my strategy. There will be not get out strategy we will have a our profit before the QF's.

Quadruple your profit by repeating the strategy on the Irish, Scots and UAE.
OK he didn't win BUT Criterion ran a super race. Now plenty of people want to bag our middle distance horses but this horse, who you would not say was in the top 5 WFA horses in Australia runs 3rd.
Same story a few years ago with Alcopop.

Set for the race Fawkner or Happy Trails probably win!

Lay of the day

Man U Fan

Old mate - THE CLEANER

Start counting Gary

Cup day lays

Man U Fan

You know who won't give anything worthwhile and gloats about giving two in one race. Well get hold of this lot

Fawkner - Set on a Cox Plate preparation and doesn't have the miles in his legs. 57kg ($9)

Red Cardeaux - 9yo and has had his chance to win before. Think he is a winning chance, have a look at the video of his last run ($17)

Seismos - Poor run at Caulfield. ($31)

Royal Diamond - Should have come two years ago.($51)

Precedence - whatever price he starts will be way under because of Bart ($61)

Brambles - OK run in the Caulfield Cup but didn't finish off in the Mackinnon ($13).

Mr O'Ceirn - two words "discretionary powers". Who missed out on a start to let this thing in ($151)

Lidari - Miler ($31)

Unchain My Heart - See Mr O'Ceirin ($201)

Nine lays one race.
Smashing the Saffers in the cricket and Long John shows the class of Aussie horses smashing a top class field in Dubai.

Man U Fan 7(dec)/411
Khaptingly all out 66

I Win Again

Man U Fan

Yes followers I win again.

See Khaptingly know he can not win a rational debate with me so he bans me.

I will never ban any member on the forum especially Khaptingly. Why not? No need to.

Man U fan 7(dec)/411
Khaptingly all out 66

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