night flight

The lines have been cleared and the Coopers Pale Ale tastes mightily fine at the local.

It's assisting in stimulating some interesting discussion. Last night we got around to Leagues' Best Niggler.

Whilst there were some obvious choices, in what might be a surprising choice, the group proposes Billy Slater as the game’s best niggler at present.

Discussion even ventured as far to the point of quote:

'From a NSW perspective, is Billy Slater the most disliked Queenslander?’

Air your thoughts.

Night Flight
Last night over some fine draught Coopers Pale Ale, we got talking on the above subject.

After a little to and fro we came to a unanimous conclusion:

Ben Creagh is the Softest Bloke in League.

Care to agree or disagree? Air your thoughts...

Night Flight
I watched the SOO last night with a few friends 3 NSW, 1 QLD. Interesting comment from one of the party post game:

"Well I suppose its better QLD win four in a row than NSW; otherwise everyone would be saying Origin's dead".

The comment got me thinking and recollecting the picture of doom and gloom painted by the Sydney media when NSW last won three series in a row.

But it also made me self contemplate, that Origin for me now less important than it was when I was younger and NSW had not had dominant periods.

More so, was winning Origin more important to Queenslanders, than New South Welshman?

The debate between the four of us skewed (sample influence) towards agreement that Origin was more important to QLD and that if NSW became too dominant, Origin may die, so to speak.

Thoughts from anyone?

Night Flight
Torpedo Punt got me thinking and Khap's last effort forced me to this post...

How many forumites out there have actually blocked Khrapper?

Perhaps it's the way forward with his nonsense.

If forumites were to indicate on this thread that their Khrapper was blocked it just might illustrate to our Mr. Khaptingly that we won't take anymore of his khrap.

Think about it folks...

Night Flight
Without doubt for me the highlight of the first test Australia v South Africa was that we entered the game with some sort of plan for the various South African batsmen.

And in an inverse sort of way, South Africa, I believe just showed up.

Obviously, Mr. Nielsen has discovered there is more to coaching than cutting oranges and lemons and given the boys a bit of 'heads up' on who does what and how he does it.

Time and again in this match we saw Australia place an unusual field setting or bowling to an area that placed sustained pressure on all of South Africa’s batsman at some stage of their innings. Positively, the plan generally resulted in a wicket.

To hear the wicket-keeper (BH) last night saying after each delivery - 'straight at the pads', not only keeps the bowler's mind on the job, but psychologically tells the batsman -'we have a plan for you'.

Seems like a series loss at home has told the Australians - prior planning prevents p... poor performance.

Night Flight
Why is it that…

1. The horse you back always gets run down by the last stride swooper, but your last stride swooper never gets up?
2. Your selection invariably ‘misses the jump’ when is needs to lead?
3. Your selection always seems to have a jockey ‘riding for luck’ in between horses?
4. When you fail to get on, it invariably gets up?
5. When a name in a field jumps out at you, but you don’t back ‘omens’ and it gets up?
6. When you say, ‘that jockey can’t win three in a row’, they usually do?
7. The horse you backed last start, comes out and wins next start at a higher class and without your money on it?
8. Your latest blackbook deletion comes out and wins next start?
9. When you are on the recognised and only leader in a race and some 100/1 shot takes you on in the lead exhausting you into 3rd place?
10. When a wide barrier puts you off, the jockey puts in a riding 101 performance to get it one back, one off at the first turn?
11. Your novice mate seems to be able to pick 20/1 shots out of his lower orifice?
12. The horses you identify to a colleague as a threat to your selection always seem to beat your bet home?

Because this is racing folks and it is no more than a game of swings and roundabouts wherein you need to ensure you have enough ‘money’ to stay on the ride indefinitely.

Sometimes we all need to remember it’s just a game of fun…

Night Flight

Vale Val Smith

Night Flight

I was upset to read of the passing today of a most lovely lady Val Smith.

I had the pleasure of talking to her at length many times in the past few years and she was a marvellous lady, full of good stories about Tommy and even at her advanced age, possessed of sharp mind and wit.

It is easy to see where Gai got her elegance, style and poise from...

I can just imagine Tommy's misadventures on the hallowed training paddocks of Heaven are about to be brought to account!

Rest in peace, Val Smith.

Night Flight

Pre-Emptive Khrap

Night Flight

It won't be long before Khaptingly is on-line rejoicing in the Australian capitulation in India.

Too right it is a capitulation. But, hey I am an avid (read very) cricket follower and passionate Aussie supporter and I DON'T CARE that we've been given a towelling. In fact I think it will be good to watch what happens from hereon.

So rejoice away Khap. I for one couldn't care less...

Night Flight

AJC Marketing

Night Flight

What's happening with the Marketing department at the AJC?

Firstly we had barely a whimper of promotional activity about the recent race meeting at Warwick Farm.

And now with the STC having pounded the airwaves with Golden Rose Day and already into Tea Rose Stakes day promotion, what have we seen from the AJC for the 'return to Randwick'?

Nada, nothing, donut, duck-egg, zilch. Go to their website and you get something about searching for Princess (and Prince). Too stupid to be true!

The AJC is like a worn-out former world boxing champ. Too old, buckling at the knees, punch drunk and wobbly and about to be knocked out...

Night Flight

Vaughan Resigns...

Night Flight

How times change...

The white knight of English cricket has fallen on his sword overnight to dare I say it, 'never to be seen again'.

Just to think how close Vaughan and the rest of his 2005 Ashes team came to being knighted.

Best thing that could happen (from an Aussie perspective) would be for Pietersen to be made captain. There is nothing like a bit of team responsibility to bring your most flamboyant batsmen down a notch or two.

Roll on 2009 and a cold serving of revenge.

Night Flight

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