some unit

Patsy 3/10...

Some Unit

to post "new greatest ever thoroughbred". Better than St Nicholas Abbey and Workforce combined.
the club with the strongest NRL squad for the past two seasons had just enough money left in their cap to fit in one of the most sought after players in either rugby code.

Wasn't that a piece of good fortune.

Builder Bob

Some Unit

Qld's own Builder Bob has hit a hurdle with his enormous white elephant Camp Canungra.

After convincing a prominent Victorian trainer to locate there for the Winter, QR went into melt down when it was discovered that there was no shavings to be found to fill boxes. QR staff were dispatched to purchase shavings and fill the boxes at significant expense (nice subsidy for whoever was using the facility).

Said trainer then rocked up to the joint, couldn't believe where in the hell it was and the state of the facilities and has since got the hell out of dodge.

Nice one, Bob. Midweek prize money didn't really need a boost anyway.

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