


For those interested, watch this name. A superstar of the near future who was ultra impressive at Chantilly yesterday.

Who woud you vote for?


if Horse of the Year was decided today? The Cox Plate has been viewed as the be all and end all over the last couple of years so with Lonhro coming third who would you vote for?

Lonhro, Fields of Omagh or Mummify?



X rays showed he had multiple knee injuries today including a fractured carpal bone - a knee bone. Neither stable picked it up and it's apparently a particularly painful injury. No wonder he cuoldn't find form. He's been retired to stud.
Danehill's son Westerner took out the Prix du Cadran at Longchamps over the weekend. The race is run over 4000m.

My vote goes to Crisp in the 1973 Grand National. I've read plenty about this amazing run (including a terrific article is Racetrack a couple of months ago) but today was the first time I'd seen footage of the race. What a shame that it was Red Rum - the 2nd best horse to have gone over Aintree's fences - chasing him. Unbelievable. 23 pound weight difference, Crisp went out to a huge lead and they broke the record by 19 seconds - a time that had stood until 1988 when the video I watched was made, not sure if it still stands. An incredible effort.

Did he go on after that run? I wouldn't be surprised if he collapsed on the float home.

Kerrin McEvoy on MAMOOL


I would think that this is likely but haven't heard anything about it. Anyone know whether he will be on the current Cup favourite?



and she did it EASILY. Even showed early pace and becomes the first 7yo mare to win a G1 since Tranquil Star back in the 1950s. She's a great sprinting mare but Yell was disappointing with no obvious excuse.

Are we missing...


A G1 for 3yos over 1200m in the Spring? Young sprinters can compete with the open horses earlier than their middle distance and staying contempories but should there be a high profile 1200m sprint for 3yos, such as a G1 Ascot Vale Stakesor G1 L'Oreal Plate (Derby Day race)? I'm not sure, what do others think?

Ingham Brothers Stakes


The AJC will surely name a race after the two great racing contributors, I believe they should rename the Queen Elizabeth Stakes after the Inghams. We don't need a race named after the queen and these two have made 200x the commitment to racing that she has. It's a G1 race over 2000m at the AJC Autumn Carnival, has the potential to become one of Sydney' best races, and it needs a name change anyway.
Spinning Hill got ripped off. They seemed to ditch this award after initially having planned to present it.

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