


Here is my early look at Saturday to get the juices flowing.

RACE 1. KIDNAPPED. Good win last start and think this bloke has some talent so sticking with him. Cant help but be impressed with THE COMEDIAN's last 2 starts, so he will be tough to beat. Also thought GANGLAND was a nice performance last start, however this is a big step up in grade. NUMBERS: 1/2,3,5,8,10.

RACE 2. HUME. Got home like a train last start and had he not been held up may have even finished closer. He is a Zabeel who likes to wind up, so both the extra 500m and the Flemington straight should be right up his alley. Still Nominated for Tuesday, so if that pipe dream is to come to fruition, will need to be winning this. NUMBERS: 8/1,2,4,7.

RACE 3. RUN FOR NAARA. Had to be impressed with the way she put them away last start. Same distance, 5kgs less, should enjoy Flemington. Do however respect a few runners in this race, so doubt I will be investing my future in it. NUMBERS 3/1,4,6

RACE 4. MARQUARDT. Call me crazy. Toughest race of the day, so looking for value here. Have no idea why, but like this horse and have a gut feel the wide expanses of Flemington will suit it. Also think DEMERIT, IRISH LIGHTS & SHELLSCRAPE have a show. Wouldnt be surprised if any of this field won. NUMBERS: Working around 3,7,14,15.

RACE 5. RANGIRANGDOO. Was awesome last week and think he may be the horse on the up here. So often this race is won by something not running on Tuesday, so I will be sticking to that theory again. This leaves me with RACING TO WIN who I dont think is going that well, SCENIC SHOT who generally doesnt back up and DRUMBEATS who I think will be ultra competitive. Out of these 4 I have to think Rangi may be the one but may have a saver on Drumbeats. VIGOR is the big query along with ZIPPING, what to make of these two??? Your guess is as good as mine. NUMBERS: 11,12/3,4,5,8.

RACE 6. ROCKFERRY. I personally think this boy is one out the box. Have a feeling he may towel this field up, however if you read my thread "The highs and lows of pre post betting", Im sort of hoping he doesn't. Have huge respect for Mike //smoron//sey as he is one of my favourite trainers and if he says MONACO CONSUL is one of the best he has had I tend to believe him. However I reckon if you gave Mike the choice between Monaco and a full brother to his former champ Xcellent he would pick the latter. May be wrong. Saturday will tell. Pretty confident that with SHAMOLINE WARRIOR as the fave I can nearly back the other two mentioned and make a profit. Also scared that with Ollie aboard that ONEMORENOMORE may settle and blow them away, cant have him on his current manners though. NUMBERS: 10/field except 9&11.

RACE 7. TYPHOON TRACY. On the last run, cannot go past her. HOT DANISH is a great mare, but not sure Nikolic has her worked out. Have respect for NEROLI also. These horses however had the chance last start and she smashed them. Cant see why it wont happen again, provided she runs up to that. NUMBERS: 11/3,4,7,12,14

RACE 8. SECRET FLYER/OLONANA. Cheating and taking 2. Can afford to at these odds. Tough race with a few chances. FIRST COMMAND is flying and EAGLE FALLS is honest. Like Secret Flyer as a horse and think if the speed suits here he can get home. Same can be said for Olonana, a winner up the straight, flies fresh and has the in form Corey Brown on top.
NUMBERS: 5,11/1,2,4,6,8,9

RACE 9. MCCLINTOCK. The time honoured get out stakes. Had to like the way the horse won at Caulfield recently. Just kept going. Also thought KILOTON's run in the same race was full of merit and he gets weight off Mcclintock for its last start defeat. Hoping that form stacks up here. Also giving a chance to LARGO LAD fresh. Likes Flemington this big fella and can stretch out if given the chance by Symons. NUMBERS: 5,14/4,10,12,13

Well there it is. Thoughts that will no doubt change by Saturday. Should be a great days racing and if you can snag two winners at the right price, could come out on top. Anything else is a bonus. Good luck lads, pick the bones out of it and happy punting.



A few weeks ago prior to heading off to work, I was watching the gallops and had a good look at a horse heading out for its second start after running 6th at its first. Studied a bit further and discovered he was very well related to one of a former favourite gallopers of mine. Had no money in the account so called my best mate who was on the road and therefore couldnt help me get on. During the run I have a quick scan through the early derby markets and was bemused to find he was at $151. During the next 20 minutes I watched him bolt in by 5 lengths and his price shorten into $26 for the Derby. To make matters worse I have done nothing about it for the weeks since. His current price for the Derby $4.80... his name Rockferry!!! Almost hope he loses on Saturday.

On a brighter note had $5 on So You Think @ $126 when Cox markets opened.

Sorry I know this is after the event....but hey.



Go easy!!!


Long time reader...First time poster!!!

Pointless post to say hi.

Looking forward to mixing it up with some of you here!!



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