
Caulfield Quaddie - All Too Hard


Just curious, Does anyone think that a return to Melbourne way of going may assist All Too Hard on Saturday?

Or that the addition of the barrier blanket may see him jump cleanly and race on the pace and, as a result, put in an improved performance?

I find it extremely difficult to see Pierro getting beaten but at the long odds on, if an upset was to occur it would obviously throw plenty of value into the Quaddie/Big 6 and with the exception of Epaulette I find it very hard to make a case at all for any other runner outside of All Too Hard (and even that is grasping at straws). I think Awesome Bro and Let Go Lenni are both chances to fill 3rd but I can't see either winning.

Are Quaddie/Big 6 punters planning on pinning Pierro or will you throw in another runner hoping for value?

Cox Plate - Planteur


All of the articles I have seen suggest that he is almost certain to run in the Cox Plate.

Given that Atlantic Jewel is out, Mosheen has had a setback, More Joyous is questionable over a strongly run 2000m and the 3yo's are unknowns in regards to how they come up, distance, etc. the $81 on offer about Planteur seems to be decent odds.

Interested to hear others thoughts on him as well as Master Of Hounds, Afsare and Reliable Man - all of whom are at least rumored to be coming and are currently at a similar price.

The Arc


Forgetting So You Think for the moment what do people make of the other Arc runners?

Particully interested in the thoughts of Patsy and Rex or anyone that actually follows european racing closely.

I know what So You Think is capable of so I am not at all interested in comments on him nor am I interested in comparisons to past winners or any australian horses.



Just interested to hear thoughts on Helmet regarding the Cox Plate.
Has anyone heard if it is an option for him?

The open age horses do not seem overly strong and if he runs I can see him going to the front with the light weight and simply running them off their legs, ala So You Think.

Currently showing around the 20-1 mark, thoughts???

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