Indigenous Round

Another celebration of the indigenous contribution to the greatest football game on earth coming up. Some great jersey/guernsey/jumper designs although Port and Carlton don't seem to have spent a whole lot of time on theirs. Some fantastic talent there.
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Nice one Khaptingly. Begrudge the first Australians a moment of celebration of their culture and peoples that we can all get behind for once. Because clearly, it's far more important that you should be free to post mean little anonymous comments on a public internet forum. Classy.

I'll put my Hand in with Krapper

Australian Rules Football

I do like the jumpers and the principle of the idea of the Indigenous round. But we do have a multi culture round that covers all races. To me the indigenous round would come under that banner. What happens when a footballer comes out and says he's gay? Will be have a round for that as well?

Adelaide, Brisbane and West Coast jumpers are the best IMO. They are beauties. Cats not so great - see stripes comment.

Many write it off as a marketing ploy but I love the idea of the Indigenous round jumpers, and always look forward to seeing what some very talented people can come up with :)

When is White Mans round. Can you imagine the outcry if we had that. We would be called racist.

What a joke.

Just checked. WM round starts next Sat night at the WACA Khaptingly. Expect you and your 'girlfriend' have tickets already assuming she hasn't developed an irreparable leak.

I guess it was inevitable that one of the forum fruit cakes would jump in. What's the old saying - stick to your knitting - and I don't think that needs further elaboration in your case Khaptingly.

Some great jumpers. It's hard to work any design into stripes and come up with something that doesn't make onlookers bilious - so I think North are a standout winner in that department, theirs is a ripper. Pies one is good. Most of them are good but Gold Coast is simply dreadful. Freo's is pretty ordinary too.

Let's just hope we can get through the entire round without any racial insult passing anyone's lips. Is it too much to ask?


I reckon West Coast's is hideous Doos' but I do like Norths. Brainiac, agree with you on Maurice and the Krakouers - great to watch.

Also loved Stephen Michael, Willie Roe, Benny Vigona, etc in the WAFL - along with Maurice & Winmar, all from South Freo who used to produce so many great indigenous players.

Its a really good showcase of indigenous talent. Live the idea of it.

The clubs and the comp are good at looking after these young blokes now and this is fantastic.

Pity the general public are still lagging behind but things like this highlight awareness and help educate.

For mine, you can't go past Maurice Rioli or the Krakouer boys. Currently Cyril and Motlop are the ones.

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