Superstition, luck, and obsessions in sport..?

Who wants to go first..?

I'm all ears..
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Nadal has significantly improved his serve over time. If you watch his serve these days and compare it to say the mid 00's it is very different. He has changed his grip and added more power to it (approx. 15 kph), this resulted in more aces, service winners and unreturnables. There were easier put-aways earlier in the rallies. He had to do this as his style of play around the court is very grueling and takes a lot out of him. He needed to adjust for his longevity in the game.

It may not be the fastest serve in the game, but the Nadal serve is now a major weapon.


Swann had a superstition that if he averaged 80 for his wickets during a test series he'd scamper off with his tail between his legs.

No WS I am a complete tennis tragic. I didn't say Rafa had the most nuclear serve on the tour, I said that mere mortals would struggle to return it. When you get into that kind of rarified air the term "big serve" becomes relative :)

Looking forward to seeing all the boys in action at the Oz open. Especially Rafa :)

Any pro has a good serve compared to an average Joe.

Exactly Doos,

It's not a mine is bigger than your thing. To execute your best serve at that level (hell, at any level) requires a degree of methodical concentration...and if some cases a tug at the briefs, a lucky number of ball bounces or whatever it takes.

LOL ban yourself then Quezza if you don't like this thread. Mine and mani others seem to get through ok LOL


Calm down bud. There is no point throwing the toys out of the cot because you don't like what people have done with your thread! That is the nature of internet forums - once you've posted it, the thing takes on a life of its own and not always the one you would have hoped for / intended. Indeed you may accidentally create a Frankenthread one of these days :)

Don't take it all so seriously. We're not analyzing data from the Large Hadron Collider here. We're not solving global food shortages or brainstorming a peaceful solution in Syria.


Is that so mods..?
Well then where is the post I made after Listers . dot post and Captain Obvious first post..?


That is correct. Only 1 post has been banned in the last couple of days. Posts do no not get deleted from the database - only not shown.


This thread is ajoke, mods here a joke the whole thing is pathetic, none of my psost have been allowed for days..nothing.

that'll do me.

[MOD: No posts have been declined for over 2 days]

Colonel Klink has just hopped onto quez's shoulder again and is whispering in his ear.

It's everybody else. It's a conspiracy. It's not you. You've done nothing. You should have another whinge.

Grow up quezza.

This will be another story or mistruth in a long line of stories and mistruths.

I know what's pathetic. It isn't the forum.

It's your ipad. It's gone from messing up simple cut and paste jobs to blocking your forum activity. I'd get it looked at. It might have it in for you as well.

Doosra, you must not follow tennis much. Nadal isnt known for his serve.

He is known for his strong ground strokes, speed and endurance.

There are many other players with a better serve than him.

Lol WS that's ridiculous. I'd like to see you try to return it without suffering GBH :)

I confess to being quite superstitious

If I'm going to the races I will never wear any other colors but black, purple, silver or red and if a horse I want to back carries those colors I feel more confident. Even if I'm just watching on the TV at home the color superstition applies.

If I think number 7 in race 7 is a genuine winning chance I double my usual bet. If the horse is a grey I'll triple it :)

If there is a horse with saddlecloth 17 in a race I'm having a trifecta/ first four bet on I have to include it - even if I think it's a 100-1 chance at best - tragic I know, but occasionally it has paid off!

Etc etc. I am also one of those people who would dodge five lanes of peak hour traffic to avoid walking under a ladder.

The great philosopher Stevie Wonder once said "If you believe in things you don't understand then you suffer; Superstition ain't the way." [insert funky bass line here]

It's true enough, but a lot of what we call superstition is really a kind of self imposed mind training, a preparation ritual that sports people do to get their mind's set for a concentrated task. It doesn't need to make any sort of sense to anyone else.

It might be the order in which you put on your socks, the gold crucifix around your neck, a chanted mantra, the need to listen to the Eye of the Tiger on your iPod - you don't need to actually profess a belief that these rituals make a difference, just so long as they get your head where you think it needs to be to perform the task.

Consider Rafa Nadal's undies. I doubt there was ever any conscious connection between Rafa's booming services and his want to pick at his backside before unleashing them. I doubt that Rafa was even aware that he was doing it but I have no doubt that if he wasn't allowed or able to relieve his wedgie he would not have served so well.

But I could be wrong. Perhaps they were his lucky undies, despite the creep. Thankfully, he appears to have retired them but the regularity with which Rafa reached for his coit before service suggests it was as essential to its execution as any other part of his pre-service ritual.

To make sure I wasn't missing out on anything I tried the Nadal technique myself but without any discernible improvement of my serve. It's not my thing. It's Rafa's thing.

Other rituals are not so much a question of superstition or even preparation as much as they are team building exercises, rituals of shared meaning that confirm you are part of the group.

The rousing round of Yankee Doodle Dandy (with the words changed to 'We're a happy team at Hawthorn') or the fully obscene version of Under the Southern Cross are good examples, as is kissing the badge on your helmet. These are rituals of collective reinforcement and they need to be paid due respect or Simon Katich will shake you by the throat until you comply. And fair enough too.

It all serves to confirm that sport is as much a mental activity as it is a physical activity and the key to athletic execution is the balance and co-ordination of the physical with the mental aspect to make it happen.

As the other great philosopher John Lennon once said

"Keep playing those mind games forever, faith in the future out of the now"

But don't forget to tug your undies first.

Nadal doesn't have a big serve.


Quez does something similar to you with his left foot, but its also regularly done with both feet.

And it doesn't involve putting them into a shoe.

Chivas, these red you wear them on the inside or the outside, and do you have a cape?

LOL ... Good one Saintly.

I back more winners when i wear a blue shirt.

My only superstition before lacing up before a game was, always put my left foot in my left boot.

Steve Waugh wrote a book about the meaning of luck in sport.

Did anyone read it ?

I haven't but from what I know of Waugh I imagine hos message will be 'Make your own'

Personally I subscribe to the old fashioned view that chance is an integral part of sport, for without it there would be no such thing as 'sports betting'.

But, yeah, the best sports people do seem to make their own luck, its not just a contest decided on merit or by random chance and the difference between those poles is where the odds are derived.

(Cross my fingers) You know I am right.

I've got it Tonto.

About life as well.

It's a good read but probably out of quez's area of understanding.

Get a copy and have a read. I encourage anyone.

I seem to back more winners when I'm wearing red underpants.

The last time Quez read a book was a fortnight ago and it had 'Bob The Builder' as the main character.

Some sportsmen and women believe in superstition
Some sportsmen and womem believe in luck
Superstition and luck have some similarities
But they are different IMHO
Hope that helps

Can I go first quez? (IYDMMA)


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