Brad Thorn


Gee I wish some of the other NRL players with over inflated egos would take a leaf out of this champions book.

Has earnt plenty playing League & Union, however the money has never been the B all & end all.Brad has done what he tought was best for his career & how good has he been!

2 stints in league for a return of:

4 premierships.
11 SoO apperances.
3 Tests + 5 Super League internationals.

2 stints in union for these rewards:

14 tests for the All Blacks so far.
1 Super 14 title.

Fantastic effort over 14 years at the highest level of both codes.
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He's actually a better player than his previous stint in rugby too which is interesting. Clearly the best value league convert.

Quite ironic to see him smash Lote in the corner during the Super 14 final to stop a try.

Yea his granddam passed through Beirut 50 years ago, so i have heard.

That would make him eligible.

Heard he is going to captain Lebonon in the League w/c.

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