Cape Blanco- Cox Plate, Melbourne Cup?

AIDAN O'Brien, who left Flemington beaten and belittled three years ago, has vowed to return this spring.

There appears some confidence in England and Ireland that the on-going quarantine stalemate will be resolved within days, encouraging O'Brien to pencil in Melbourne.

And while So You Think is unlikely - but not ruled out - to return for a third Cox Plate bid, O'Brien has the Cox Plate as well as the big Cups on his agenda.

Racing Victoria's international consultant, Leigh Jordon, visited O'Brien on Tuesday and the Irishman spoke enthusiastically about a spring assault.

A triumphant return to Melbourne would be a dramatic contrast to the famed trainer's last visit.

In 2008 the three O'Brien runners ran themselves ragged in the Melbourne Cup, prompting a terse please explain from chief steward Terry Bailey, who queried jockey Wayne Lordan's tearaway tactics on Alessandro Volta.

O'Brien and Lordan were cleared of breaching rule 135b, which deals with allowing a horse to finish in the best possible position. O'Brien's other runners, Septimus and Honolulu, pulled up lame.

O'Brien has not been back. "I've tried to entice Aidan back every year since and you could always tell that it wasn't going to happen," Jordon said. "But this time he seems really keen. He said that if the quarantine issue could be sorted out, he'd come."

Jordon said a So You Think return was not as remote as many believed.

"The vibe I'm getting from Aidan is that it's a genuine option," he said.

"A horse like Cape Blanco would be more likely, first for the Cox Plate then the Melbourne Cup."

Cape Blanco won the Man O' War Stakes at Belmont, New York, last weekend.

Jordon said there had been a miscommunication about steps that had to be taken at Newmarket to facilitate the Cups raiders.

He said a paddock at a stud farm near Newmarket, and not racing stables, might have to be cleared so non-travelling stock could be a mandatory 100m from Cups raiders.

"And I've spoken to the stud about maybe moving some broodmares and they seemed happy to oblige."

It would be great to see a horse like Cape Blanco come here for the Cox Plate and then the cup. Would be interested to hear Rex and Patsy's thoughts on him, do you think he's any chance of coming or will he have other goals at that part of the season?
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I think there is a better than even chance the horse will ship down for the Cox Plate. Early this year the Hays bought into this abd several other Coolmore/Ballydoyle horses. Mr Hay said something along the lines that he had plenty of money (very true) and wanted to have some fun.

Having bought in to Cape Blanco we then see something you never see, an AoBrien runner in Dubai for the world cup. The horse then heads to Europe for two modest runs before winning the Man O War in the States. The other point of interest is that his worst two runs in listed or better company have been on soft tracks, perhaps they are thinking he would be suited by the likely firm tracks in Oz and to be fair the Cox Plate this year (if minus SYT) doesnt look like being a strong renewal.

if mkof and g.harmonium are remotely being considered as outside chances for a cox plate then its a no brainer that cape blanco should have a go..

good horse on his day,seems to mix his form but as stated needs it firm..

o'brien has so many top class horses competing for the 2400m honours but at 2000m seems the logicial one to bring out to oz for the plate..

if fit and well and acclimatised would be a good chance..

mel cup?

the horse can't get a strong 2400m?

but the way they crawl who knows..800m sprint.

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