Changing With The Times


I only go to the TAB these days to put money into my betting account, not like the old days when I'd spend my whole Saturday afternoon and half my pay-packet there.

When I was at the PubTAB this morning I saw an old guy, probably mid 80s who's been a regular there since I was a teenager. This old guy was standing at one of the betting screens checking out the prices and the form, there he was, tapping at the screen and swiping his finger over it like a kid with an ipad.

It's funny, but I remember it was that same old guy and a few of his mates, who have since passed-on, that really put on a turn when the TAB got rid of the paper-based race-sheets and form-guides and replaced them with the screens. 'We don't want all this computer rubbish!' they protested 'How are we supposed to know how to work all these TV screen thingos?'.

I thought to myself, how attitudes change. I wonder how he'd react now if the TAB said it was going back to the old paper-based info sheets? His protests would no doubt start all over again, I can just hear it 'We don't want that old rubbish back again, we like the computers, they update every 30 seconds and we don't have to walk around the outlet looking for race-sheets'. 'Fair go!'

Fair go indeed, the day will come when today will be considered the 'old days' and one can only imagine how the PubTABs will look when that day arrives, sadly, I don't think me ol' mate will be around to see those changes.
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"Unfortunately I was banned from a corporate bookmaker for having to much success"

Now we know who that lady was that you took to the Wacca!:)


The only thing that I am worried about at the moment is the Pool's

I have Stopped Punting Pick 4's ona a Saturday,, some Pools have less than $10k in them, finding it Hard to make a Profit

I have also noticed the decline in Trifecta Pools

Betfair,, (The Edge) smirk, smirk, may have made inroads but if the Pools drop away alarmingly,, will that put the TAB in Jeopardy

Wether they like it or not,, Maybe it's time for a National TAB, Surely a Punting Monopoly is no longer relevant with so much online Punting available

Count, I never go to the tab to deposit funds - not because of my roaring success as a punter, although my limited punting this year has resulted in my making 3 tidy withdrawals after my 3 punting days, but that is far from the norm.

Deposit via internet on Tatts or by Iphone with Tab NSW.

Fortunately, I have limited the amount I can deposit on Tab NSW, but Tatts have changed the limit I had when they upgraded their site and I haven't yet revisited this issue.

I quite enjoy going down to the TAB to make a deposit.
The TAB is only about 5 minutes drive from my home and it's kind of like a link to the past, to a time when I used to spend so much time there.
It seems more like a Saturday when I've been to the TAB, even if it's only for a few minutes.

Glad to see you've had a very profitable start to the new year, wish I could say the same.

What dribble, what a nothing story.

I suggest you devote time to form study rather letting people get inside your head here.

I only ever withdraw from TAB accounts. Unfortunately I was banned from a corporate bookmaker for having too much success.

Author: CountChivas Send message to this user
Subject: Changing With The Times

Time: 18/1/2014 6:29:11 PM


I only go to the TAB these days to put money into my betting account,


So you go there a lot then...

Lately - Yes!
Having a shocking time on the punt.

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