Don Scott Flemington Bonanza!

Did anyone notice the outstanding performance of the Don Scott ratings yesterday?

Coppervue and Danzylum both rated on top as well as Silver Bullion 3rd pick rated a $6 chance.
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So nobody from the site wants to confirm why they change the ratings after the meeting???

Well I will say most of the default ratings are way off and getting worse and as far as the speed maps, if you don't have an idea and can change them yourself, don't bother looking. Whoever does them doesn't watch many races.

Leaving out Mount Barker on Sunday, of the 135 races over last weekend, the EST rating (based on Don Scott methods) came up with 36 top rated winners.....before the event. 26.6%. 16 rated second won also.

To separate if an identical rating, used highest rated from 'Career' stats.

Considering 26.6% includes maiden and 2yo events, a reasonable result for a computerised selection system.

EST and BL3 (best last 3 runs) come up with some good priced winners here and there.

I can see those prices now but i still have the worksheet formguide i printed out on saturday morning and they show $41 $16 $101.

Maybe someone from the site can clear this up ?

Obviously you didnt back these horses as top rated because they weren't.
What you are seeing if you go to the ratings for Saturday they have been updated where they take the rating they achieved on Saturday after winning and then adding improvements.
So ...originally on Saturday those winners on the Don Scott worksheet were rated at longs odds..


These prices seem to have changed from friday to what your suggesting.Can someone explain how this happens or does it happen after the race is over.Its easy to tip winners after the race.

Looking at the worksheet they had them at $41 - $16 - $101 ?

Check out Don Scott's ratings for the winners of the quaddie races at Cranbourne on Sunday 17 Jan.

Race 5 rated $2.30 - paid $5.50
Race 6 rated $1.65 - paid $11.20
Race 7 rated $14 - paid $25
Race 8 rated $1.95 - paid $7.30.

Oops i dont know where i got Vlad from...i meant if Robert Vilkaitis could respond to this thread.


You are missing the point....after the event....R&S then assesses what rating to give the horse for its win...take a look at Cranbourne on Sunday....No 10...its 3rd up from a spell...go down to its form and see its ratings...last two ratings are 23 for 2nd last start...and...31.5 for last run....therefore 31.5 should be its Base go to the worksheet and what do you see? see Base Run of 38....this rating was obtained after the run on sunday ...therefore you wouldnt of had this base run on sunday before the event...therefore it wasnt rated at 14/1 before the was rated much time print out the worksheet before the event for the true assessed odds...not after the event as the worksheet has changed as i have described above.

Vlad..maybe you could explain why the worksheet is different to the one prior to the races on saturday or sunday if i am incorrect.

Joelance, I already knew the ratings change after the race as described in an earlier posting on this thread.

I was not missing the point - all I was doing was stating a fact by mentioning the winners' amended ratings.

I don't know why R & S have done this (they previously didn't), because anyone not knowing the situation could easily come to the false conclusion that the ratings are exceptional.

According to D.S's ratings as shown on my computer had Copperview the $4.00 fave, Danzylum the $3.80 fave, and Silver Bullion at $8.00

What are the results like over 12 mths?

Where did you find those prices champ?

I double checked and I'm still seeing what i did this morning?

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