Miss Andretti

Having heard Shawn Buckley who is Miss Andretti's owner interviewed by Steve Moran on Radio Sport 927's Racing Central program, and who has just returned from a field trip to Hong Kong in preparation Miss Andretti racing in the International Sprint in Decenber, I was very surprised to hear that he is under the impression that that race is held down the Sha Tin straight track course (1000 metres). For a few years now the race has been run over 1200 metres around the bend the Sydney way of going. I was also very surprised that Moran also seemed to be ignorant of the facts as he did not correct Buckley.
Buckley also mentioned the Miss Andretti home page on the Racing and Sports web site, but I was surprised (or maybe not) to find that the opening page has not been updated since prior to the running of the Golden Jubilee and did not reflect her failure in said race, but just the win in the King's Stand. There has been plenty of time since to have it updated Shawn.
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Indeed - not since the Falvelon days in HK it seems has that race been 1000m ? ?

Bizarre thing about Buckley - an expert but makes some strange statements / comments

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