Not Such A Bum Ride!!


Hope the connections of Barigan Boy gave young Omer Ay a decent size sling after his determined effort last Saturday.

Not too many jockeys would have kept the horse in the race at the expense of their rear-end.
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It's hard to believe it was clearly headed so close to the line but came again to win. Glad to see he didn't weigh in light after loosing some gear at the start.

Gotta be an advertising opportunity there for the makers of 'Dencorub' or 'Deep Heat'. LOL

That was a great effort by horse and rider. Must take a fair but of skill to do what the jock did.

Cool ride and good horse. Diff is Nash was in a longer race and this horse was a natural leader though.

Makes one wonder though.

I was always of the opinion that the crouched riding style of the modern day jockey was far superior to that of their olden-day counterparts.

I thought that a straight-backer wouldn't stand a chance in a modern day race on a modern day galloper.
That is not the case, it would appear.

The way Barigan Boy came again at the finish, he obviously wasn't affected by the different feel of the olden day style.

This raises another question, how much easier would Barigan Boy's victory have been had he been ridden by an accomplished straight-back rider rather than a youngster who'd never ridden that style before?

Could Roy Rogers have won a Melbourne Cup?
Who knows!

Nash could have learnt something from this kid instead of throwing in the towel.

He should have been suspended for not riding out his mount to the line. LOL

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