Oli Don't Take A Bow


Why do clowns like Greyshot, who can't deal with a different view to their own, bother starting threads in the first place?

You give an opinion and get banned because they've had their argument shot-out from under them.

Little wonder very few respond to his threads, I won't bother any more either.

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Good call Chivas

Maybe some on here will STOP Kowtowing to some of the REAL Iriot's on here

WS trying desperately to out do Lister by posting non stop in every thread these relentless childish posts, fair dinkum get a life weather man.

the rider in question, hall of famer...errrrr how is that good for the game now after this, should relieve him of the prize imo.


You post rubbish under many names. Who doesnt have a life? That would be you bozo. You are 60yo yet you act like a 12yo.

How very sad!

I think there are worse on here Count.

Take that prize dunderhead Lister. It would appear that LC sent something to his inbox when they were on better terms. (Probably before LC realised what a boofhead Lister really was)

Now that they they dont see eye to eye Lister plasters it all over the forum. How childish and infantile is that. Imagine anyone that ever told that clown something in confidence. It would remain confidential only as long as one remained his adoring fan. Says a lot about the person, no wonder he spends all his days and nights on this forum. No one in the real world would give him the time of day.

Lister, Tufnel and that toe rag WS are a great trio. The three amigos of gross stupidity and self infatuation.

Especially when its on topic stuff. GS is a tool.

GS tips r good for laying though.

He is missing his boyfriend no doubt.

Thank you for your private message of support in my inbox Big Eggy. I never knew that you thought that way. Yes it is bad that I have been banned on Lister and Weight Specials threads but that is not an issue. Your thoughts regading those two clowns expressed to me will be kept in confidence no matter what differences of opinion we might have on the forum.

Lister is not an enigma, Hondo, he is a styleless trouble-maker, plain from the very first. He has knowledge but so does the net, and what only matters is the construction that should go with events or facts. Knowledge needs an evaluation, otherwise we live for the perpetual ‘next’. The mind out the back is breaking rocks. He knows everything that has no value outside the moment it springs to mind. The last time I had anything to do with Lister was over the very thing you raise: making the private public. I don’t condemn him for that, it just turned out to be who he seemed to be, then he proved it. Time’s up.

Both he and Tufnel do mischief and will never be read again by me. That Lister will find another way to be memorable is impossible. Forum personalities are his bread and butter. He won’t block you, he can’t afford to; it would exclude him from his own life.

Imagine that. Curiosity would mug him in five minutes. Like Chivas and Tufnel, there isn’t discipline, or concern, only curiosity. Silence would be treason to the self. It’s the only display case they have. Tufnel follows Khaptingly around for God’s sake.

As for Weight Special, how do you expect him to behave?

lostclarity will never read me again.

Oh the pain.

Plus [according to him] I follow khrapper around.


Q. What about all those horrendous one or two post khrapper threads which nobody replies to? Now that we can see who authors them, we can ignore them completely. It's no wonder khrapper suddenly started appearing in other peoples' threads a couple of weeks ago. His own threads will soon be completely redundant.

Yet again lostclarity forms an opinion with no basis whatsoever in fact. I have called him out and shown him up for the fact-free zone he is so often in the last five years it's actually not worth the effort any more. He calls it 'mischief making'. That is nothing short of laughable.

Let him stew in his own juices in a telephone box with all his mates, and see if he can come up with another Douglas Bader quaddie again soon.

Nige ;-)

What a low life you are Tufnel to make that cheap joke about Douglas Bader. You wouldn't be fit to clean his dunny. That fellow was one of the bravest men in history, you are one of the most pathetic.

Nice try Hondo - get sanctimonious somewhere else.

My dog eared copy of Paul Brickhill's 'Reach For The Sky' sits on the living room bookshelf, and any time the Kenneth More movie comes on the box, I'm there.



Why are you so bitter at the world? All of you posts indicate that you are a troubled soul and you blame your misfortune on strangers on the net.

Lister/Nigel dont give a stuff about you, yet they have really hurt you for some reason.

You read the feelings for me. While you're up there consider the job of interpretation you did in picking up the feelings of Slim's son when he came here to tell us of the loss of his father.

LostaClue is bitter towards anyone that he perceives to know more than he does.

His years of getting everything embarrassingly wrong and the subsequent corrections by numerous posters means that his bitterness is now targeted at virtually the entire forum.

His recent Cricket Comp confirmed that all of the regulars here want nothing to do with him.

If this forum reflects real life, which it probably does, then LostaClue is a lonely old grouch, who, out of spite and arrogance, has burnt all his bridges.

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