
I have always presumed that the Baron of Blather, the Maharajah of Mouth, the Oracle of the Obvious, the Emirate of the Empty Head Lister was the most tedious and repetitious poster of all time. I decided to have the boys in the lab check over how many times this know it all actually posted his own brand of drivel and came up with some startling new data.

Now we all know that this genius has the great job, the great wife, the great family, the great house, former champion cricketer, footballer, (probably that girls game of AFL where everyone is a champion), knowledge of everything second to none.

However, he has been overtaken by his boy wonder, forum friend and general obnoxious toe rag, Weight Special.

Over the seven topics presently listed in Latest Postings, Mr Know It All, has posted 108 times, including that massive 78 posting on the Ashes to Ashes thread. However, like a thief in the night, the little toe rag has beaten him with postings of 122, including a marathon 85 in the Ashes to Ashes thread.

Now to get some real perspective on this, a total of 635 posts were received over all topics with the Know It All and the Toe Rag combining with a grand total of 230. This equates to 36.2% of all postings coming from these two geniuses.

To entertain the forum we should have a thread just for these two stellar clowns. They could have a "yap off" over say 48 hours, most posts wins. There would need to be stand by keyboards as these two windbags went mouth to mouth. No one would bother reading any of their tripe and that would leave the forum free to return to where it should be, free from these two galuts. Perhaps we could have Tufnel in to make it a three way go, what he lacks with numbers is made up with his ability to inflate his own tyres on a regular basis.

Obviously these two champions of blather would need a support crew, Bettowin and Camel would be worthy inclusions. Camel would be worth his weight in gold if any mathematical problemsarose. He has spent the last six months in Maths 101 and is sure that he came somewhere in the class.

Why dont we give this a go!

A Really Good Read


Unlike what some of the forum experts have to say, laying successfully over a period of time is hard work.
There is an excellent read called "The Art of Legging" that can be purchased online.
It give the history of bookmaking from the days of "favourite and the field" through to Ogden working out how to lay every runner.
The second part of the book is all about the maths, how to lay numerous runners and the effect on price, betting around the favourite et al.
This turned my laying from just selecting one horse in a race and hanging on for grim death hoping that I was right to a more methodical method, where a number of horses rated as "unders" were laid, with big "odds on" laid over the selected runners.
It is not a system or "get rich quick" and really only requires one to have basic school mathematics to understand.
I hope this helps you as much as it helped me.

Fourth Test


I feel the time has come, not matter what the final results of the Ashes series is for the Aussies and the administration to take a long hard look at the current situation.
For years we have been critical of English cricket and their "Dads Army" selection and retention style but now we can accept the title.
Unfortunately, we have persisted with a few players well past their use by dates. How the selectors can continue to pick Hayden defies all logic. This guy has scored no runs for so long that no one can remember his last decent score. He has been sorted out by every decent fast bowler over the last seven years, Shoab, Donald, just to name a few. He has scored runs against no hopers and failed miserably against better bowlers. He is at best a good Sheffield Shield player but nothing more. Martin also fits into this category. He bats for himself and scores runs against no hopers but fails against good opposition. He may get bad calls from time to time, but good players hit the ball in the middle of the bat, not bleat because some miniscule edge onto the pads was not detected.
The fielding has been dreadful and the commitment by some senior players appalling. Where is the coaching staff. Why has Lillee been releived of his duties as bowling coach. We have Buchanan looking at his computer all day,probably checking his bank account balance.
The final problem is the inept captaincy. Ponting is probably the best batsman in the world but does not have a clue about setting a field or managing his attack. The best captain is at first slip with the next best wicketkeeping. However, due to either off field antics or reasons best know to the selectors, their role is to advise only.
Speaking of selectors, how did Trevor Hohn ever get the job. He was the "token" Queenslander in the Australian side when he palyed. He achieved b*gger all as a bowler and less as a batsman but now has role of selecting our test team. I think we can expect a few more disappointments over the next few seasons if our policies and selection processes do not change. We could do a lot worse than selecting Haddin as wicketkeeper and allowing Gilchrist to bat further up the order. Oh well. wait and see..

olympic highs and lows


I have been watching the Olympics over the last few nights and have been really impressed with out performance, bar a few.

Thorpe has performed so well, but he is so good that if he comes second or third, it is as if he has failed to some.

I think Petria Thomas, Matt Welsh and Brooke Hanson have been exceptional. Petria had those years of running second to Susie O'Neill, shoulder surgery, she is fabulous.

I really liked the comment of Matt Welsh after he came fifth. He said Ï just went out there and went my hardest, I wasn't going to die wondering" and "I gave it everything, that I had" Fabulous stuff from him and also from Brooke Hanson.

Now for the lows and you know what is coming.

That Scud and Wayne Arthurs. Why do we have to pick these serial duds in the Olympics. Arthurs beat someone rated 89th and promptly lost while the great Scud, served 12 double faults and was aced 12 times. He won one match in the last 12. That guy is the most overated, over hyped sportsman in the history of
Australian Sport, second only to the Messiah, Greg Norman. He should not be selected in any other event representing Australia. In the Hopeless Stakes, he is Phar Lap.

I think the Scud should give it away. His only option left now in sporting life would be to play for New Zealand or captain the English Cricket Team. He is a dud.

olympic flag bearer


I heard the news that Colin Beashell is to be the Aussie flag beer at the opening ceremony. I am sure that Colin is a wonderfull fellow but the thing that disturbed me was his record. It seeks that our Col has participated in five previous Olympics, with his wonderfull haul being a bronze in Atlanta.
Now Olympic sailing is mostly about those boring boats like Stars, Etchells and FD where no one gets wet or windblown...but really, five previous Olympics and b*gger all to show for it. What does it say about the people he beat to get there. If he can only get a bronze after five attempts how big a duds are the ones he beat.
I realise that he was on Australia 11, but really, that was all about Lexcen, Bertrand and Treharne with the others making up the grunt.
I think that our Col, dare I say it, is Greg Norman on Water, heaps of attempts for nuthin.

Bookmakers in Qld


The weather is great, the fields are good, the jockeys are good, the organiation is finally good, the bookmakers are duds.
Every year we hear the bleating of bookmakers as to how tough they are doing it, no wonder why. As a native of Qld I have gone to the races for many years and the bookies in Qld are by far and away the worst.
The general pattern is for no one to be in a hurry to put up prices in case someone might try and have a bet. The boards are set of the tote screen, minus a point or two. Any runner showing $20 plus on the tote is immediately listed at 14/1 or 15/1 max.
Over the last few Straddies I have been in the tote queue trying to get on whilst the ring is devoid of action.
What the Qld ring needs is to allow in a few interstate bookies. Can you imagine the life a Barrett or Eskander or dare I say it Waterhouse would breathe into this morgue.
I stood in front of one of the leading bookies on Saturday and the market hardly changed, why you may ask, because all his prices bar one were under the tote prices, five minutes before they jumped. In another event from Sydney, one of these fearless leviathans had seven of the runners under $5-50.
The bookies here are dinosaurs, all living back in 1960s and too bored to go and play bowls. They ensure that they can have a chat with old cronies, wave to each other and never fear being interrupted by some fool trying to have a bet.
The ring is full of money, all going to the tote. Go to Derby Day in Melbourne or Doncaster Day in Sydney, those blokes will have a bet, they wont let you out of their sight.
Little Vo will rattle his cage as he is the protector of all things Qld, but any other Qld race goer will agree with me I am sure.

The Scud is a Dud


Some time ago I posted what a hopeless dud this guy is. I see after his stellar failure in the French Open he has now been flogged by a player rated 344,595th in the World. I think this dud has now had his time. However, as a seasoned and complete dud he can move on to another occupation. Here are some suggestion's:

1. Greg Norman's caddie
2. Thorn Park's strapper
3. Coach of the Socceroos
4. Motivator of the Australian Track and Field
5. Author of Vo Rogues biography
"How I nearly selected a horse to run a

This guy is a super dud. Any other suggestions for his new career?

the soccerduds


Here we go again, the Socceroos are back in town with another dud performance. The Turks are rated 7th in the World but never got out of first gear to beat the hopeless duds.
We have to acceptit, we will never have a World class team so why persist with the charade of talking up this outfit. Individually there are a few players that perform satisfactorily at club level overseas, but collectively, they are hopeless duds. Great to see all the Australian citizens in their Turkish colours, says heaps for local support of the "duderoos"
Watch SBS in the next few days and the panel will be talking up this game and the Socceroos, end of the day...still the same..duds.

mark gasnier et al


What a mess rugby league is in. It was only a short few years ago I used to go to the games, look forward with great excitement to origin matches and enjoy discussions over a few ales with fellow fans. Now...what a mess. These overpaid cretins and brainless individuals, managed and run by others of similar intellect have damaged this game beyond repair. Just how dull witted would you have to be, in light of the recent Bulldog's trouble, to send these imbeciles out on a bonding session of inebriation. The ceo of the league should be sacked and if the clubs have any integrity they should immediately sack any player found guilty. Sponsors could not be expected to put their names anywhere near these teams or players. If I feel this way, and I was a committed fan, imagine how others who had a passing interest feel about the mess. The players and officials should hang their heads in shame. If their was an imbeciles medal at the olympics, these blokes would get gold, silver and bronze.

olympic appeals


If the media is correct, it seems that the shooter who missed out on selection after being beaten by Michael Dimond in the "shoot off" is going to appeal.
How big a bore is this becoming on top of the Stevens Thorpe controversy.
I always thought that the best person should represent, not someone who fell through the net because the best person was either unavailable o rindisposed at the time of selection.
Perhaps we could have a "morally should be there" olympics after the proper one is completed and these whinging duds could have their own competition.

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