Pakistan Star

This replay is doing the rounds on social media from the recent HK meet, ridiculous..
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Reminds me of Gust Of Wind's maiden win at Scone going back a bit.

Thanks Redback.

Hopeless in the first 400m, and not even in the picture at that point. I'd estimate he's 6 lengths last (ie 6 lengths from the second last horse).

Comes back into view at the 600m mark, when it's 3 lengths last.

The finish has to be seen to be believed. Its still learning what its all about, but has champion written all over it.

Very strange. Could barely drag its feet in the back straight and was airborne in the home straight. I'd love to hear what the jockey had to say about it.

Maybe the jockey whispered 69 virgins if you win as it rounded the home turn.

Reminded me of Woorim in the Oakleigh plate.



Saw it on a social media feed yesterday.

Hoo - boy.

The jockey sits down with half a furlong to go, this thing could get another 400 meters on it's ear.

Some run. The others might be camels but even so, that was a looooonnnnggg way off them and it's a sustained nearly 4 furlong run to round them up. Think that just might be a good horse.

Thanks for sharing on here.

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