2015-16 Fantasy EPL - Final Summary


The legend is conquered! Absolute Spurfection has broken Dartagnan’s hold on the Traditional Premiership to claim their second TP title. In doing so, they also finished inside the Top 1% worldwide! Fantastic effort Bluboy - made all the more remarkable given you were positioned 11th at the end of September!

Who Ate All Depay’s were also well back in September but made some smart moves to grind their way into 2nd place, 55 points behind the champions. It might not be a win but 5 titles and 2 runner-ups in 7 seasons ain’t too shabby, Dart! Bender Rodriguez held the lead from November to March and got pipped out of 2nd in the final week, but a podium is still a cracking result in your debut R&S season, Bender!

Special mention to Camel’s Menagerie with another top 5 finish and The Junkies for what I believe to be their first top 5 finish. Well done lads!

This season, only 4 teams held the lead but when it mattered most, it was Bluboy’s Absolute Spurfection – Congratulations to our new Traditional Premiership champions!

1st Absolute Spurfection (2206)
2nd Who Ate All Depay’s (2155)
3rd Bender Rodriguez (2149)
4th Camel’s Menagerie (2072)
5th The Junkies (2068)



We have a tie therefore dual Manager of the Year winners – Bluboy and Dartagnan. Bluboy seemed set to hoist the trophy solo but Dart claimed the double point MOM for April/May as Bluboy missed adding to their MOY total by just 7 gameweek points!

It was crucially, Dartagnan’s first MOM for the season after he finished runner-up for 3 other MOMs. Bluboy enjoyed a stellar October – March period with 3 MOMs and 2 runner-ups to claim 13 of a possible 18 MOY points. This is Bluboy’s 2nd Manager of the Year award and Dartagnan’s 4th so well done to both lads!

Spinning Knight finished 5 MOY points back in 3rd place which was his best career result, so well done also to SK.

1st Bluboy / Dartagnan (13)
3rd Spinning Knight (8)

MOM Honour Roll 2015/16
Aug 2015 Bodsy
Sep 2015 Bender Rodriguez
Oct 2015 Bluboy
Nov 2015 Spinning Knight
Dec 2015 Bluboy
Jan 2016 Bodsy
Feb 2016 Bluboy
Mar 2016 Camel56
A/M 2016 Dartagnan

After 10 seasons of the R&S comp, Dartagnan has been awarded the most MOY points (80) and MOMs (13), and from just 7 seasons!

MOY Points: 80 Dart, 56 Camel!, 55 Bodsy, 54 Bluboy, 28 Ausbrum, Bigdaddy
MOM Awards: 13 Dart, 12 Bodsy, 10 Bluboy, 7 Camel, 5 Dagz, Bigdaddy



He’s done it again - Dartagnan has claimed a 3rd career League Premiership title when Who Ate All Depay’s defeated The Junkies 2-1 in the Grand Final. The final transfers were crucial, Torp opting for Harry Kane who provided donuts while Dart brought in hat-trick hero, Olivier Giroud… that was the difference! Commiserations Torp but they say you have to lose one before you win one so that title is just around the corner! Congratulations to Dart’s Who Ate All Depay’s who clawed their way from a slow start and simply proved too good in the clutch games.

Special mention goes to Bender Rodriguez for finishing atop the ladder with the most points and goals scored but once again the curse of the minor premiers struck, Bender bombing out in straight sets (only one team has managed to claim both the minor and league premierships in 9 seasons!).


*** KO CUP WINNERS – WHO ATE ALL DEPAY’S (Dartagnan) ***

Earlier this season, Who Ate All Depay’s claimed Dart’s 4th KO Cup and 3rd on the trot defeating The People’s Champs in penalty shoot-out, when the sides could not be split at 7 apiece. Transfer action was again crucial with renowned addict, yours truly, frothing over the dgw. Dart’s instincts proved spot on and another title was fully deserved!


It was all Bluboy and Dartagnan this season - the two greatest title winners with 6 and 16, respectively. It certainly takes a high level of mastery to contest these different competition formats that require planning, patience, timing and a touch of luck but these two lads do it year in, year out. Well done on a tremendous season to you both.

Thanks to everyone for playing once again. This comp is somewhat time-consuming to run, but it makes it very worthwhile knowing that you enjoy it and appreciate the effort.

As previously alluded to, I may not be able to commit to running the comp next season and beyond, so a quick thanks to the R&S peeps for hosting (and contributing much needed formatting) over the past 10 years – much appreciated and cheers!
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Good Post. Please keep updating your posts on daily basis. Users like me are eagerly waiting for them.

Mike Craig
IT Solutions

Congrats to the winners, and thanks Bodsy for running such a fantastic comp, and doing it so well.

Cheers mate.

Cheers Bodsy and well done to all the winners!


Congrats to the winners. Thanks for running the comp Bodsy. Your work is greatly appreciated.

Thanks again Bodsy for running this awesome competition. I really appreciate all the work, and time spent to provide regular updates.

Congrats to Bluboy for running away with the premiership. You had a ripper season!

Firstly thank you so much for running the comp over such a long time Bodsy. I've enjoyed playing for the short time I have.

Well done to the all the winners of the Cups & Manger of the year.

Thanks you Bodsy for running such a great competition and congrats to Dart on another fantastic season.

I've played for a long time and still love the challenge of playing against all of you.

I can only imagine how much effort goes into running this comp so I thank you again for all your effort and look forward to playing again in the future.

Cheers Bluboy

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