Famous last words.

"Snitzens have a poor record in the Rose, G Ryan has never had a horse filling a place in the race".
"I am going to lay it and several others in the race"

With G Ryan and Snitzels running 1st and 3rd in the race, under the 'flawed reasoning' of the Alt: Bestie we have to assume that the winner was also layed for a massive loss!

cheers, loges.
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Yes, Rex, trolls are a dangerous species!
They will lie and twist their way out of anything and everything and accept no responsibility for their actions. Actions which are wholly intended to disrupt and destroy which is evidenced here on the R@S site by the drop-off of past forum members!
They will say it is only a bit of fun, as you have witnessed but it goes deeper than that.
Experts in the field believe that away from the internet they are anti-social or sociopaths which is a health problem in itself.
They can be helped but first, they have to accept that they need help, then pay a visit to their doctor. That creates another problem as trolls do not realize that they have a problem!

Welching, on the other hand, is just someone being shifty and knowing they can get away with it on the internet!
Combine the two together-Trolls and Welchers and you end up with a can of worms or a (bad) Irish stew??

I believe like most forum members you are what you say you are concerning your employment, the trolls also believe it but what they want is for you to open another door for them.
I would definitely heed what Gary suggested!

Cheers, Loges

Loges, add to that the Dunning-Kruger effect which basically says that a lot of morons delude themselves into believing they're smart or an expert. Most punters learn as they go and become a lot better over the years. Can you imagine these trolls repeating their mistakes over and over, blind to their shortcomings? It'd be sad or hilarious watching this play out


You couldn't make it up could you Loges? Gold

Absolutely brilliant logic from the forum welcher.

Based on that logic you've just laid a 40/1 shot. Thats going to takes some getting over.

Careful Loges, when you stir this one up he will accuse you of being a liar, accuse you of being a big noter when you provide any proof you are not, make bets he refuses to honour and stalk you around the forum.

He's a troll Loges, he's said so himself in a PM he sent to another forum user. And apparently he's a media rights expert- but then again aren't all trolls?

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