Foul play, is it learned, genetic or both

To All Body Contact Lovers,

I thought it was interesting to read Judy Boyd's comments in today's papers that Les her husband did not "mean to use his elbow" and break Darryl Brohman's jaw back in 1983. Judy was stating that Les's actions were accidental.

Do learned forumites think that foul play is:

1.0 A genetic disposition of certain humans?

2.0 A learned form of bahaviour from one's upbringing and/or environment ie friends, sporting coach etc?

3.0 A spur of the moment adrenalin result? Probably inextricably linked to point 1.

4.0 A mixture of the above.

My position is that it is number 4.

In regard to the Boyd/Brohman issue, Darryl Brohman in my view was more than entitled to pursue Les Boyd civily and this business about what goes on, on the field stays on the field is limited to sport up to under 10's.

If you wish to impact one's ability to earn an income and support their family, then you can fund the consequences. An elbow to one's jaw is foul play unless evidence proves conclusively to the contrary ie an accident.

Swinging arms and elbows (albeit rare) more often than not, are not accidents.

Gee I love a bit of contact.



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I'll add one more.
5.0 NSW Selectors told him to go out and clean up any QLDER that looked like making the Kangaroos team.
The 3 selectors have passed away now so Les has opened up know.

Roy Masters said that Les had the face of a
choirboy and the eyes of a killer.
He must have been wearing sunnies when his wife met him.

3 and 4 definatly.... I can't cop rubbish that it ruined Brohman's football, if it wasn't for the incident with boyd, 99% of people wouldn't know he even played footaball once upon a time. he never did anything else of note

Definitely 1.0 "Genetic".

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